Regents Review Winter '18
Armistice Day
Madrid Trip
WW1 Centenary Celebrations
Summer Projects
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The Regents Review Winter 2018
Headteacher’s Welcome
GENERAL NEWS Alfred Huberman Writing Award Regents Park is pleased to announce that, as a result of our collaborative writing work with History last year in the Alfred Huberman Writing Award 2017/18, we have 5 writers (out of 400!) who have been commended for their entries! On Monday, 8th October, Mrs Barnes, Headteacher and Mrs Hayward, Headteachers PA organised a meeting to award the students with a hot chocolate. Inside this edition you will see why Ofsted were so positive about Regents Park with news stories that capture the breadth of celebrations that form the foundations of our school ethos – RESPECT, PRIDE, CREATIVITY and CHALLENGE . I am sure you will join me in thanking all the staff for their hard work and commitment in supporting our young people every day and in every way! A festive welcome to our Autumn edition of the RPCC Newsletter. A solid “Good” in every category was the outcome from our recent Ofsted, this is a wonderful achievement for the members of Regents Park Community. “The new Headteacher and other leaders provide a good education for all pupils. They are ambitious and focus on providing the best possible experience for pupils” was one of many positive comments that we have had the joy of celebrating since the report was published earlier this month.
Since becoming the Headteacher in May 2018 I continue to enjoy every moment of working with staff and students of the school, RPCC really is a very special place. To celebrate these many achievements staff and students have visited my Santa’s Grotto this week to collect a present for their commitment to the school community. This week we will also enjoy Reward Assemblies, Christmas Lunch and we will end our term with our End of Term Assembly Bonanza combined with a ‘sea’ of Christmas jumpers. Wishing you all a restful and enjoyable Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. Wrap up warm and be safe and we will see you all in 2019.
Mrs S Barnes Headteacher
They are: Emma Gorsuch Lauren Earney Abbie Pearman Mattias Avram Charlotte Drake
The Regents Review Winter 2018
GENERAL NEWS City College 2 groups of Year 10 and 11 students from Regents Park attend City College once a week throughout the academic year. Courses taken have included hair & beauty, early years child care and a wide variety of practical workshop courses including engineering, plumbing, motor vehicle and other trades. It is very rewarding for them to come out at the end of those two years with certificates to show their achievements! Carpentry is new this year and the photographs show some our Year 10s at work.
Summer Projects During the summer holidays we have updated our swimming pool and dining facilities. We now have the ‘Park Cafe’ as an extra area for students to purchase their lunches and the ‘Regents Hall’ for our Year 10 and 11 students. We also have new male and female student toilets upstairs. Work is still continuing at Regents Park whilst we refurbish and develop our learning environment.
Google Classroom At Regents Park, we are continually seeking ways to support students’ learning and progress. Homework and independent learning are crucial to academic achievement. In order to support this aspect of learning, teachers will be setting homework and uploading resources through Google Classroom and Doddle. We are therefore seeking your permission to provide and manage a G Suite Education and Doddle account for your child. If you haven’t already, please get a permission slip from reception regarding Google Classroom. For more information on this please contact the school on 02380 325444
The Regents Review Winter 2018
Year 8 Year 8 students have definitely made an extremely strong start to their second year here at Regents Park Community College. They have shown great resilience, determination and enthusiasm towards their school life, they have an overall attendance of 96.53% and a massive well done to the pupils who have 100% attendance. It is definitely something you should be proud of! This year we have changed the way we award pupils for their achievement. Our certificates are now handed out based on their conduct points, which is their achievement points minus their behaviour points. I would like to congratulate our 65 zero heroes, for always being perfectly behaved you are definitely perfect role models to the rest of the year group. Please see our top 20 students for conduct points:
Year 7 The new Year 7 cohort have had an incredibly positive start with over 90% of the year group meeting their bronze achievement award. Alongside this, the year group have been a part of a range of different opportunities and events. This included a football and rugby enrichment day which, for the first time, Year 7 helped to represent our first girl’s rugby team. The Year 7 football team represented the school in a range of different fixtures around the city with positive results. Other opportunities that have been represented by Year 7 students is the Rock Challenge competition and the school production of ‘Oh What a Lovely War’.
Mr A Stone Head of Year 7
Top 20 pupils for conduct points:
Zero Heroes (0 Behaviour Points)
Wanessa Ostrowska Jessica Ward Sarah Khan Mia Kilgour Leyla Bilgic Malee Hopkins Tom Winchcombe Eashan Apadoo Jessica Lee Hayden Smith Paulina Vaicekonyte Mikolaj Kazmierczak Ella Farrelly Anna Pliszczynska Alex Ballard Anas Jama
Kaitlyn Castle Kayla Whitfield Maddison Murphy Although we are no longer the largest year group in the school, I would still like us to remain the best in everything we do. This includes having high attendance (always over 96%), always being respectful and wearing our uniform with pride. Year 8 have had many opportunities for trips this year already including Madrid, Belgium, Cadburys World, RE experience and Science Centre. I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and come back ready and recharged to be the best!
Ani Doncheva James Riches George Nott
Simone Sopterean Emily Dunn William Crouch Charlie Williams Summer Renault Erin Docherty Joy McComb Stacy Williams Dylan Baddams Jamie Day Craig Brunsdon Faith Vine Nathan Boyce Alisa Filippova Nicole Ioan Erin Maddock Molly Langston
Simone Sopterean Vernessa Cooper Emily Dunn Alisha Gray-Cook William Crouch Charlie Williams Summer Renault Erin Docherty Joy McComb Stacy Williams Jacob Murray Megan Williams Dylan Baddams Jamie Day Kareena Kaur Katie Pitman Poppy Cross
Annalise Ryves Riley Zanellotti Chloe Moore Abigail Moore Michael Spencer Holly Miles
Georgina Oak Cassie Connell Lisa Williams
Miss A Cooper Head of Year 8
The Regents Review Winter 2018
GENERAL NEWS Year 8 100% attendance: Jake Allen Holly Anstey Eashan Apadoo
Lee Hazell Malee Hopkins Luke Inder-Puffett Nicole Ioan Toby Johnson Maya Kaur Sarah Khan James Knight Adrian Krolikowski Molly Langston
Julia Pyda Amandeep Rathore Summer Renault James Riches Patryk Rurka Joseph Ryan Raaed Saeed Luke Saunders Daniel Shwani Josh Singh Simone Sopterean Finley Totten Nathan Turner-Street Paulina Vaicekonyte Ben Whitmarsh Charlie Williams Lisa Williams Megan Williams Stacy Williams Tom Winchcombe Caitlin Wink Bradley Winterburn Bailie Wyatt Jasmin Voller Finnian Ware Jack Wells
Matus Balaj Alex Ballard Samuel Bhopale Leyla Bilgic Mackenzie Bloomfield Craig Brunsdon Samid Choudhury Vernessa Cooper Poppy Cross Jamie Day
Jessica Lee Ethan Lock Kira Lovelock Erin Maddock Joy McComb Allia Mesa
Joshua Day Dia Dishad
Callum Miller Abigail Moore Diego Moreno Jack Mullaghy Liam Murphy Maddison Murphy Jacob Murray Ruby Murray Vivian Nomo Katie Pitman-Davies
Erin Docherty Ani Doncheva Daniel Fernandes Alisa Filippova Cameron Foley Emily Gammon Henry Geddes Olivia Goodwin Bobby Gorman
Year 9 We are now nearing the end of the first term as Year 9 and it has been excellent to see the students begin their GCSE courses in a mature and purposeful way. It has been a pleasure to see students’ develop into young adults and to oversee their progression inside and outside of the classroom. Year 9 currently have the 2nd highest amount of achievement points in the school, showcasing their abilities across the curriculum. In Year 9 we still have 58 Zero Heroes (0 Behaviour Points) and 54 students with 100% attendance. 90% of the year group have already received bronze certificate awards and several students have received department awards for effort and attainment in different subjects. 8 students in Year 9 have also been invited to ‘Hot Chocolate with Mrs Barnes’ as a reward for their effort in their lessons. This proves the ability and drive of Year 9 and I greatly look forward to seeing them progress throughout their 3 year Key Stage 4 courses.
opportunities to enhance their experience at Regents Park Community College. They have immersed themselves in Spanish culture on the Madrid Trip, they have taken part in a wide range of Careers Fairs with companies that have come in to school as well as a City Based Careers event at Southampton Guildhall. There have also been several students involved in extra curricular clubs here at Regents Park Community College. This includes sports training and fixtures, school productions and creating high quality art to remember the soldiers who gave their lives in World War 1. The year group have proven themselves to have a wide range of talents and I have greatly enjoyed continuing our journey together into Year 9. I wish you all a brilliant Christmas and look forward to seeing you refreshed and recharged for the Spring term. Mr D Gates Head of Year 9
The Year 9 students have also had plenty of
The Regents Review Winter 2018
Year 10 Year 10 students have made a positive start to this academic year, which is great to see. This terms school production, ‘Oh What A Lovely War’ was well represented by Year 10 students which was amazing. I am always proud of the talent in the year group. Well done Year 10. As the realisation dawns that this is their penultimate year at Regents Park Community College, I have noticed a real desire to work hard and focus on their studies. Early indications show on the whole that students are making above national average progress, which is pleasing. With this desire to do well, some are putting unnecessary pressure on themselves to achieve. There are a number of supporting measures the school can offer students if you feel your child is struggling with their studies.
Please contact your child’s tutor or Head of Year (HOY) to discuss how we can help. During this term you should have received Year 10 reports showing effort and predicted targets for each subject. If you would like to discuss any aspect of the report, please contact your child’s subject teacher. Alternatively, if you would like to discuss how your child is getting on generally, please book an appointment with me. I would like to wish you a fantastic Christmas holiday and I look forward to working with you and your child in the spring term.
Mr S Sinclair Head of Year 10
Year 11 Happy Christmas everyone! This is the last Christmas at
tutor time to intervention lessons, this has been a seamless transition and I thank you for your support in this. We will be changing again after Christmas using the data from the mocks to ensure that students are in the best intervention lessons. Year 11 were heavily involved in creating the shoe boxes for the Christmas appeal, alongside candy canes and cake sales for prom. We have a wonderful selection of students who are involved in Rock Challenge and taking on other responsibilities alongside their work. We wish them all the best next term when they perform.
Lily Cross Emily Curry Emily Fraser Emma Frederick Hannah Grave Phoebe Harris Ellie Heath Amanpreet Kaur Jack Mabey Zara Manning Jed Manser Emily McLachlan Aaron Neary Lewis Nott Cathy Owens Evelyn Pybus Finn Richardson Edie Smith Callum Totten Charlotte Webb Chelsea White Annmarie Wilcox Issy Wood-Cheevers
Regents Park for your child! It can be overwhelming when you look back on the last 11 years of your child’s school life but Christmas is a time of reflection and looking at what has happened over the course of their education and planning for their future and my goodness Year 11 are planning! We are so proud of all the applications to college and NCS which are already well underway, many students have had their interviews for college now and we are hearing fantastic feedback from the colleges. Please be aware that there is still time to apply and students can apply to as many colleges as they wish, then make their final college choice in August after they receive their results. We have been very busy changing
The students involved are:
Jess Barclay Madi Bennett Robyn Caine
The Regents Review Winter 2018
Zero Heroes (0 Behaviour Points)
Cathy Owens Dawid Pilich Evelyn Pybus Aryan Regmi Zakaria Sbaa Yazmin Simmons Adrian Stadnik Ernest Tkaczyk Charlotte Webb Annmarie Wilcox John Winterburn Ajay Singh Edie Smith
Lewis Nott Katie Osman Florentina Repede Finn Richardson Anastasija Sarapova Eva Shepherd Yazmin Simmons Goldshun Singh Adrian Stadnik Kacper Szafraniec Ceara Taggart Ernest Tkacyzk Phoebe Underhill Allie Webb Annmarie Wilcox
Jess Barclay Christopher Beesley
Anisha Begum Madi Bennett Samuel Bowyer Mia Breedon Mia Brockway David Brown Cora Byrne Aimee Cartmel Diana Ciwinska Szarida Ciwinska
Attendance is vital in Year 11 so please support the school in sending students in if they are well enough to come in. Statistically if a child misses 10% of their education (90%) they are more likely to get a whole grade lower in their final exams. It is vital to support your child so that students are in school and working hard. As always, any issues, please do contact myself or Mrs Jarvis. We wish you a wonderful Christmas and look forward to seeing you at the end of Year 11 celebrations which are coming up far too quickly.
Emily Curry Beth Davies Luke Day Jazz Dewison Lilani Draper Emily Fraser
We have 40 students who are still at 100% attendance:
Konur Bilgic Mia Breedon Megan Brown Malika Chentoufi Valters Circins Lily Cross Emily Curry Luke Day Emily Fraser Michael Gammon Phoebe Harris Ellie Heath Hill, Joshua Noah Hunt Roberto Ionescu Jake Jasper Lewis Jones Karol Kaczmarski Deveena Khela Maks Krol Shivani Kumar Robyn Langston Morgan Lee Callum Linklater Robert Mirzescu Lewis Nott
Emma Frederick Marcos Gesteira Owen Gray William Greenacre Ellie Heath Lauren Hepburn
Nathan Hill Ellie Holmes
Jack Howe Noah Hunt Roberto Ionescu
Miss E Bishop Head of Year 11
Jake Jasper Jimmy Judd
Deveena Khela Adam Kosiarski Robyn Langston Zara Manning Jed Manser Kaine Maunders Robert Mirzescu
The Regents Review Winter 2018
Year 11 Thorpe Park On Friday, 7th September, 110 students in Year 11 went to Thorpe Park. This is the largest number of students who have ever been on one trip. It is fair to say it was the BEST DAY EVER! Everything ran smoothly, we were at Thorpe Park earlier than expected. Students managed to go on lots of rides with little, if any, wait times. Students were impeccably behaved and really loved going on the rides. Students had a fantastic day with their friends as motivation and reward for the upcoming work that they are expected to do this year. All the students really did let their hair down. Two members of staff did very well on the basketball games, winning not one, but two large teddies. At the end of the day we even arrived back to school slightly earlier than expected - an extra little bonus. Thank you to Mrs Jarvis and Miss Bishop who organised the day.
Armistice Day On the eleventh hour of Monday 12th November, staff and students observed a two minute silence. Once again, Mr Barron played the ‘Last Post’ to mark the occasion. A group of students came to school dressed in their Cadet uniforms and took on the role of selling poppies throughout the day to support ‘The Royal British Legion’.
Hot Chocolate with Mrs Barnes On Friday 16th November, students who had been ‘caught being good’ were invited to a hot chocolate morning with Mrs Barnes. Here are some of the comments from the students during the morning: “ I came here because of good reviews and I found out it is even better than I thought.” “Hot chocolate rewards.” “Everyone gets along - like a big family.” “The fact that Regents is trying to improve, every day is great.” “I get to be with my friends.”
The Regents Review Winter 2018
Alumni Who was your favourite teacher at Regents Park and why? My favourite teacher was Mr Wingfield, who is now retired but used to be my tutor and maths teacher. Throughout my time at Regents Park, he was very caring and helped me, as I did not speak English when I first arrived from Poland in 2006. How has your time at Regents Park helped you with your life after education? I first learned how to speak English at the school, I had lovely teachers who assisted me every step of the way and the school’s support system was in place for me to be able to participate in school life and succeed in the future, my friends were also my key support system during that time. What did you do when you left Regents Park? When I left Regents Park, I enrolled myself onto a uniformed public services course at Richard Taunton Sixth Form College where I spent 2 years before going to University of Portsmouth to study Criminology and Psychology. Throughout my time at university I volunteered with the police firstly as a shadow with CSI officers, then in year 2 I decided to take a gap year to volunteer full time for a year within the forensic department at Southampton Central Police Station. There I spent about a year volunteering and a job opportunity came up to join
the police as a PCSO, I have been on the job for 2 and a half years and due to become a Police Officer in January 2019. What advice would you give your former 14 year old self? I would tell my 14 year old self to not give up on my dreams, I believe we can become whatever we want to become with enough effort and if we want something enough. When I first arrived into the country, I did not speak any English and with some hard work and support I became fluent in just over a year, I would definitely tell myself to be consistent and persevere. I wanted to be a police officer since I was very little, and I applied a number of times starting from age 18, for various roles and was unsuccessful for various reasons however I persevered and worked harder. I went to university, I attended courses, I volunteered and did not give up my dream as I wanted to go to work and love what I do every day which is to serve the community I grew up in and assist any way that I can.
Charlie Walker Story On Friday 16th November, Year 10 and 11 students and staff were lucky enough to hear the fascinating and motivational story of how Charlie Walker decided to follow his dream of travel and adventure and set off on a 43,000 mile bicycle journey across the world. He managed to reach the furthest cape in Europe, Asia and Africa before returning home, but not without encountering the extremes of weather, remoteness and physical exhaustion during the four and a half years he was away. The audience was captivated and we hope that the students went away feeling inspired to employ the same type of perseverance, determination and passion in their GCSE studies and in the future.
The Regents Review Winter 2018
GENERAL NEWS Careers Festival
The annual Regents Park Community College Careers Festival was a great success again this year! All students took part in a bespoke timetable of workshops and events including some regular attractions such as the Dragon’s Den competition, Post-16 Careers Fair and college taster sessions for Year 10 and 11. Year 9 also took part in an exciting Employer Speed Dating workshop, whereby small groups of them asked quick-fire questions to an individual to find out about their career, before moving onto the next person. They had the opportunity to speak with doctors, police officers, construction managers, early years practitioners and many more. We hope that our continued focus on CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) will enable all of our students to pursue their passions when they leave Regents Park in Year 11. Quote from the Teaching & Learning Student Voice group: “We love, love, loved Dragon’s Den!”
Careers Festival - Quotes “GCSE taster sessions were the best- we should have a day like this every term.” “APB adverts were great.” “Everyone was involved and found out lots of information.” “This day made me believe in my future dreams.” “I loved being able to talk over my thoughts and ideas for the future.” “Dragons Den rocks!” “I learned new soft skills and loved it.” Staff Feedback “It was great to see students flourish in different areas.” “Teamwork of the students was amazing.” “Brilliant enthusiasm for their futures - lovely to see.”
The Regents Review Winter 2018
Investors in Careers We are proud to announce that as a whole school we have achieved stage 1 of the Investor in Careers award! The completion of this stage is a demonstration that senior staff, all school staff and governors are actively committed to the careers education, information, advice and guidance for all of our students. We hope to complete the award in full in 2019 and become the first school to do so.
The Red Box Project During this term, 0we have launched the Red Box Project situated in the girls toilets. The girls have a selection of sanitary pads and further items in the Key Stage 4 office to end period poverty. We are so excited to be supporting this amazing movement within school and so thankful to all the kind and wonderful people who have been bringing in items to support. We have: tights, leggings, underwear, deodorant, tooth paste, tooth brushes, wipes alongside kind quotes and words from all of the supporters outside of school. We hope that this is a success and we can support our young ladies throughout their periods in order to keep achieving and aiming high in school. To find out more please see the website: http:// Respect Spectrum Changes For your information, please be aware that our respect spectrum has changed. Warnings • Behaviour 1 – 5 minute teacher reflection • Behaviour 2 – 10 minute teacher reflection - teachers to make a call home. • Behaviour 3 – 20 minute departmental sanction - teachers to make a call home. • On Call – A hour detention after school - message to be sent home.
MacMillan Coffee Morning
Regents Park is pleased to announce that we have raised £121 for Macmillan Cancer Support as part of Macmillan Coffee Morning on September 28th.
The Regents Review Winter 2018
Year 7 PSHE Day Year 7 enjoyed a fantastic PSHE focus day in November this year which featured a variety of externally and internally-led workshops. The students learned really helpful coping strategies in the mental health session, they gained confidence in the ‘Yellow Door’ session and in Mr Pine and Miss Reed’s respect lesson they found it really useful to discover their personal strengths and weaknesses. Their favourite workshop was on health and nutrition delivered by Mr Stone, so we look forward to lots of participation in sport and seeing plenty of healthy food being eaten by the Year 7 students across the school! Year 11 PSHE Day The Year 11 PSHE day took place early in the term and included a variety of interesting and engaging sessions linked to personal, social and health topics. The students were fortunate to have specialists delivering workshops on the dangers of pornography, mental health, teambuilding and careers. In addition, students also explored the risks of drugs and alcohol with Mr Moth and Miss Groves and spent a session preparing for the year ahead with Miss Bishop. We hope that the PSHE experiences that Year 11 have had in the past five years give them confidence and character for life beyond Regents Park.
Get Inspired On Wednesday 7th November, our Year 9 students joined hundreds of others from across the city to take part in Get Inspired at the O2 Guildhall Southampton. They learned about a range of locally-based careers in a hands- on approach. We hope the students went away feeling excited about the breadth of opportunities available to them right on their doorstep.
Innovate Creative Assembly On 7th October, John, a
representative from Innovate Creative, came to Regents Park and led an assembly for our Year 8 students. He gave them general information about careers as well as more specific information about careers in technology.
The Regents Review Winter 2018
Knife Crime Assemblies In December, students have been exploring the dangers and consequences of knife crime in PSHE time. To support this, we are grateful that local PCSO, Louis De’Ath, has come in to deliver assemblies on this important issue. Although knife crime is not a problem in this area and we hope it never will be, students have come away from this learning, feeling confident to stand up for what is right and are informed on who to contact in a situation like this.
Business Manager Update Autumn Term 2018 Welcome the winter edition of the Business Manager’s update. The school is continuing to move forward with a streamlined communication system. Our website is the hub where all the information and daily school news can be found. Although this information was included in my last update I felt it was important to reiterate some of the links. A link is provided as some icons do not appear on mobile phones. • All general letters will be available to view under the parent section on the website parents/letters/ • Access to twitter is available from the website so that you can follow the school news or Spencer, our Therapy Dog – use the ‘bird’ icon in the top right hand corner school-details/twitter/ • Access to Tucasi online payment system for school meals, trips etc is also available from the
website using the ‘£’ icon in the top right hand corner http:// parents/online-payments/ • Access to our Parents Evening Booking System is also available from the website using the ‘family’ icon in the top right hand corner parents/parent-evenings/ • Calendar – This is updated on a regular basis, with additional events school-details/new-calendar/ • Catering/Lunchero. Please visit the City Catering page on our website for information regarding the current school meals menu and also how to download the Lunchero app. parents/school-meals/ • Skoolkit. Please visit the dress code page on our website for up to date information on our uniform. http:// parents/dress-code/ We would welcome feedback from you and this can done in several ways: - Email – info@regentspark. - Parent Suggestion Box located in reception - Parent Voice Meetings parents/feedback/ - Contact Form – via the website school-details/contact-details/ - Phone – 023 8032 5444 - If you wish to speak to the Headteacher Mrs Barnes, please contact Fiona Hayward, Headteacher’s PA on 023 8072 5711 • Please advise us of your correct email address in order to receive correspondence and your telephone numbers to update our emergency contact details. • We also have a new addition of our Facebook page, which we will keep you updated with school news. • We are in the process of offering SIMs Parent App in January and correct contact details will be vital for you to receive your invitation to join this. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!
The Regents Review Winter 2018
Christmas Trolley Once again Regents Park promoted the Christmas trolley organised by Mrs Cosford - Deputy Headteacher. We would like to thank everyone who has helped support this. Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal Regents Park Community College is proud to announce that we have raised £272.94 for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. Recent Ofsted Report Our latest Ofsted report can be found on our website, https://www.regentsparkcollege. or at provider/23/116450
Children In Need This year we raised £730 in aid of Children in Need. We would like to thank everyone who came in to school in non school uniform and contributed to the donation.
Bike Permits Update We are running a new method for issuing bike permits. All bike permits issued previously are now invalid. If your child would like a bike permit, please visit our website or request a paper copy of the letter, complete and return the slip to reception. For your information, we have a limited number available. Trainee Teachers Congratulations to our five ITTs who have completed a successful first term at Regents Park - they are: Miss G Birch: Maths Over the course of this term, they have immersed themselves into the life of their respective curriculum areas and with the wider school community, including supporting with revision classes and school trips. We wish them well when they start their second placement in January. Miss Birch, Miss Bowers, Miss Harrison and Miss Salsbury will be returning to Regents Park after February half term. Miss E Bowers: English Miss N Harrison: History Miss A Salsbury: Art Miss L Rodriguez: MFL
School Dress Code Update
Now that it is getting colder, it has been requested that we trial an addition to our school dress code: the option to wear a non-logo navy or grey jumper until the end of the spring term in April. The jumper must be plain navy or grey without any emblem (with the exception of the school logo if desired) and the style must be of the normal v-neck. These are available from our suppliers, Skoolkit in Totton (with a logo) or from other retailers such as Asda, M&S or Tesco (without a logo). The rest of the uniform will remain the same.
The Regents Review Winter 2018
Key Stage 3 English After finishing the reading of a selection of novels, Year 7 classes have moved onto a survival unit in their English lessons. This unit has engaged students beautifully and lots of their creative writing pieces have shown a growing maturity in their ability to show empathy. Stimuli has included real life events and texts such as: ‘Touching the Void’. Year 8 are now engrossed in the study of a range of novels, including: ‘Stone Cold’ and ‘Ways to Live Forever’ focusing on how characters are presented in different ways through the use of language. Year 10 ‘Romeo and Juliet’ trip On 8th November, Mrs Ukahi and Miss Grassie took 40 students to the Barbican theatre in London to watch the Royal Shakespeare’s performance of Romeo and Juliet. This is the set text for GCSE English Literature. Many students had never been to the theatre before and it was a pleasure to see them engaging so well with the magnificence of a live theatre performance.
Reading Students in Years 7 and 8 are busily completing their reading journal draw cards. Having changed our approach this year, we are encouraging students to vary their reading choices and genres. Please help your child get their cards completed by asking them about what they are reading at home and recommending your favourite teen read – it will fill a box on the card too!
Year 11 Globe Theatre Trip On Thursday 11th October, a joint History and English trip to the Globe Theatre took place. Students were treated to a Romeo and Juliet workshop to further develop and reinforce their understanding of the way the play can be interpreted. It was an engaging session and provided a great revision session for students which they enjoyed.
The Regents Review Winter 2018
DEPARTMENTAL NEWS English Enrichment
A group of 22 students attend English Enrichment every Wednesday after school. The students have the chance to experience analysis, creativity and discussion in a different way to how they would experience it in the curriculum. The material is designed to CHALLENGE students who are achieving within the top 10% of students in Years 7 - 9 in English. So far, the students have written from the perspective of a paper poppy (to commemorate Armistice Day) and have discussed philosophical themes such as equality, utopia and society – each of which have roots in literature such as Animal Farm, Fahrenheit 451 and Brave New World. The sessions are similar to A-Level or mini University modules. During the year, the students will work with University students and visit the theatre to inspire their writing.
Competitions As a department, we encourage resilience and determination. This is supported by our consistent encouragement of students to enter competitions. To date, and chronologically, hundreds of our students have entered the following competitions: • Young Writers: Welcome to Wonderland • Young Writers: Stranger Sagas • NHS70 Short Story Competition • Young Writers: The Poetry Escape • Cunard – Captain for the Day! (Year 8 were even able to have an exciting assembly with a real Cunard Captain and have their brilliant questions answered during an entertaining Q + A!) • Young Writers: Mission Catastrophe!
Watch this space – there will be plenty more chances to enter!
The Regents Review Winter 2018
Parkrun Parkrun is 5K walk/run on Southampton Common at 9.00am every Saturday. Anyone is welcome whatever their ability as shown in this photo. The staff runners are doing their best to encourage the students. They will need to do a lot of training before they catch Miss Cannon or Mr Selfe! Mr and Mrs Keenan run nice and slowly just in case anyone needs any motivation. Numeracy Ninjas
“Numeracy Ninja’s is about practicing our mental strategies, timetables and key skills. We are timed for 5 minutes and once our time is over, we mark our answers. This fun numeracy activity is out of 30 marks. Also, as we are all ninja’s, we get a coloured belt for our score. If you get a black belt a lot of times (which is 30/30 marks) you will become a Grand Master. For this you receive a certificate. I am writing this because I have a been a black belt, and therefore, a Grand Master consistently in this fun, competitive activity.” Manipol Roath
Year 7 Cheddar Challenge
Well done to Rohan Whybrew and Alfie Foot who have guessed correctly in the mathematical Cheddar Challenge!
The Regents Review Winter 2018
Business and Maths Visit to London On Tuesday 10th July, 22 Year 9 students boarded the train to Waterloo London followed by the tube to see the Bank of England Museum’s history, lifting a gold bar, cracking safes and authors who worked at the Bank of England. We visited Guildhall Square for lunch where we were lucky enough to witness the fly past of past and present RAF fleet as they celebrated 100 years of the RAF. After this, we visited the Guildhall West Wing - where the Great Hall was built in 1411 and having survived both the Great Fire of London and the Blitz, the original imperial standards of lengths are on display along with statues of Winston Churchill and Admiral Lord Nelson. We visited the remains of Londinium’s Roman Amphitheatre, discovered in 1988, where more than 7,000 spectators sat on tiered wooden benches in the open air to watch wild animal fights and the execution of criminals. As we continued our tour of London we walked to the London School of Economics via St Pauls Cathedral to see their impressive libraries and Student Union services, followed by a short visit to Covent Garden for a spot of shopping, before walking back along the Thames to Waterloo Station.
Pi Club Year 11 students have attended mathematics breakfast revision sessions, fondly known as Pi Club, following the half term, to prepare for their mock exams. The focus has been on getting Grade 5 and support has been offered in key mathematical areas. Now that the lead up to the summer examinations is now in full swing, we are expecting to see lots more students, in the new year we will also be offering a separate Pi Club session for higher students aiming for Grade 7 or higher. Students can come along to room 32 from 7.50am on Thursday mornings to benefit from this extra help, hot chocolate and brioche are also on offer. In addition, we also have the Wednesday after school club to help Year 11 students achieve their target grades. We are also expecting Year 11 students to be revising independently at regular intervals at home, reviewing an array of topics covered over the past four years with particular attention given to those highlighted in their recent mocks. Students can use resources available on and downloadable from the student drive, check out Google Classroom code: il61qu for extra revision resources. Each student will be receiving an individual feedback sheet based on their performance in the mock examinations to indicate areas of strength and weakness. Students can then use resources available on and downloadable from the student drive.
The Regents Review Winter 2018
Thorpe Park Visit At the start of this academic year the science team had the pleasure of taking a large proportion of Year 10 to Thorpe Park. Students learned about the amazing roller coasters, how they are designed, the energy transfers that take place during the rides and the forces that act on the carriage. Students then got to apply their knowledge by braving the roller coasters themselves. Mr Moth’s personal favourite was The Swarm and Mrs Griffiths enjoyed the pizza buffet. A huge thank you to Miss S Cooper for arranging the day.
Regents Park Science Department Needs You! Mr Grainey has launched the Christmas Tassomai Challenge. We hope the students at Regents Park Community College get behind this and get some national recognition for their amazing effort in completing their daily goal on Tassomai. Remember you should aim to complete your daily goal every day, six days a week, as this is the best way to increase your percentage to the desired 80% by the end of Year 11. Tassomai is a self-quizzing programme that can be used either on the Tassomai website or in the Tassomai app which helps students to revise key concepts. You simply log on and complete 10 minutes’ worth of quizzes each day. This programme has evidence to support a huge impact on student attaining pass grades or higher, claiming that 95% of students who regularly used Tassomai will achieve a grade 5 or above, with 56% of these getting a grade 7 or higher! The software tailors the questions given to students to address gaps in understanding.
Winchester Science Centre Mr Grainey arranged for many of our Year 8 students to attend Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium. Students who went on the trip enjoyed a hands on experience with the Science Technology, Engineering and Maths exhibits, sparking their imagination and interest on STEM related careers for the future. The trip gave students a brilliant opportunity to take their learning from beyond the classroom.
The Regents Review Winter 2018
KS4 Support A great number of Year 11 students have been attending the science department after school support sessions on a Friday. This is a great way to catch up on Tassomai, get any support you need with the new science content you have learnt this week and grab a hot chocolate with friends. The sessions are very relaxed and all Year 9, 10 and 11 students are welcome. We hope to see more of you there soon. STEM club and the Dyson Foundation This term Mr Moth and Miss Groves have been working with the James Dyson Foundation to provide some truly unusual stem club events. This year students had the opportunity to disassemble and reassemble a Dyson vacuum cleaner. The STEM club students got to experience what it is like to be Dyson engineer and they learnt about the various engineering jobs they could possibly consider in the future.
Science and STEM club Ambassadors Mr Moth has, this term, hand selected Alice Blades, Alexander Leonard and Julia Dygas to be Regents Park Community College’s first science ambassadors. Their first mission is to raise the profile of STEM club and we are all very much looking forward to their assembly on rockets in the new year. Everyone in the science department sincerely hopes you have restful and enjoyable festive season.
The Regents Review Winter 2018
ICT New Forest Activity Centre Students have been working hard on their controlled assessment. We visited the water activity centre in the New Forest early in the term so students could take part in a canoeing activity to allow them to record their own original video. For the remainder of this term, we will be concentrating on revising skills for the practical exam which they will sit in the first week of the new term in January.
After School Intervention
Sessions take place on a Tuesday and Wednesday in room 21 and students who need to catch up or complete work should be attending these sessions. IT – KS3 Our new Year 7 groups have been exploring both the hardware and software that a computer uses, specifically the components and peripherals that make them up and how they are classified. They are now using a range of skills with software creating different office based tasks. Year 8 have developed their knowledge from last year about the hardware in a computer and make decisions about how to construct an appropriate computer, how much RAM, what processor speed etc. They are now making progress with their website skills producing a microsite about the topic of e-safety.
Computer Science – KS4 Year 11 Students have begun undertaking their NEA (non- exam assessment) which will cover 20 hours of programming and skills using Python. They will also continue to develop their core knowledge to support them with their final exam in May. Year 10 students have been practising programming skills in Python to improve their knowledge and be ready for their NEA later in the year. Year 9 students have been studying Computational Logic
and were challenged with some Arithmetic Expression problems.
p iMedia – KS4
Years 9 and 10 have started well on their GCSE iMedia courses. Year 9 have been developing their video and graphical editing skills. Year 10 are well into their first controlled assessment to produce a themed DVD cover which demonstrates a range of photo editing skills.
The Regents Review Winter 2018
DT - Workshop It has been a really hands on experience for students in Years 7 and 8. They have been getting used to using all the hand tools and machines to create different projects, developing their confidence and skill at the same time. Year 7 have been creating candle holders to take home using recycled woods and acrylics. Year 8s attention has been focussed on developing pinball style games, experimenting with mechanisms and other game elements. Friday, after school is the time set aside for after school activities in the workshop, my group of students have been creating decorative products and bookends using handmade wood joints. This project will be finished before Christmas and we will be starting a new one in January, all are welcome to come along 2.40pm – 4.00pm. Creative Arts ‘Oh What a Lovely War’ On November 13th and 14th students performed to St Marks School and members of the public – family, friends and teachers. After months of hard work, students presented a moving and funny performance as part of the school’s celebrations of the centenary of Armistice Day. Mrs Freeman and the Creative Arts & DT Department are extremely proud of all their hard work and commitment, proving once again how talented the students at Regents Park Community College are.
KS4 Food Lessons As the Great British Bake Off returns, our KS4 food students are improving their technical knife skills. We love mathematical accuracy!
The Regents Review Winter 2018
Physical Education DEPARTMENTAL NEWS
which has over 100 students taking part from 13 schools – they did an incredible job!
from three and were unlucky to be knocked out in round 3 of the National Cup. Year 9 and the Year 7 and 8 girls are currently fourth. We look forward to seeing if we can maintain our excellent start when fixtures recommence in February. We are thrilled to oversee 250 students regularly taking part in extra-curricular clubs this year, including swimming, football, rugby, basketball, netball, trampolining and Rock Challenge. Our new team of PE Champions have been instrumental in providing students with a positive and motivating experience at all after school and lunch time clubs. They, with some past PE Champions also supported a primary school table tennis event
On Wednesday 12th September we held our fourth Football Enrichment Day. The day was fully attended and the students had a fantastic day. This day is designed to help prepare our students for participation in the Southampton schools’ football girls and boys league. The day comprised of practice drills to introduce and develop key skills necessary for successful play, workshops to develop understanding of key rules, strategies and tactics and a tournament. All ably assisted by our PE Champions. As a result, we have had a fantastic start to the football season. Year 7 are currently second in the league with victories against Oasis Lordshill and Chamberlayne. Year 8 are top of division 1 with three wins
The PE Champions hosted their first event of the year on Wednesday 12th December which saw all Year 7, 8 and 9 students compete for their tutor groups in a dodgeball, water polo and football tournament.
Rugby With another season beginning it has been amazing to see students who have not played rugby before, play their first competitive games for Regents Park Community College. The Year 7 enrichment day held in the second week was a huge success with 30 students, 15 of which were girls, which was a first for the school. Students spent the morning at Millbrook Rugby Club, learning the art of tackling and creating space on a rugby field. Suffice to say all had smiles and were covered in mud! On the back of the enrichment day, both Year 7 boys and girls where entered into rugby festivals to play against school from Southampton and
Hampshire. Both teams did very well scoring a number of tries. Students wishing to continue with rugby outside of school we encourage the boys to attend Millbrook Rugby Club and the girls to Trojans, based at Stoneham Lane. Training for the boys takes place on Sundays at 10.00am and for the girls, Monday evenings 6.30pm – 8.00pm.
The Regents Review Winter 2018
Firstly, we would like to welcome Mr Spencer to the Sociology teaching team with his Year 9 class. In Year 9, we have begun with the ‘Crime and Deviance’ unit, where we have started learning about the potential reasons as to why people may commit crime and how this may be linked to age, gender, social class and/or ethnicity. We have also looked in depth at how the media has influence over how criminal cases are perceived and how there is a huge difference between a 1960s case and a 1990s case, for example. As a part of this, we have looked at many shocking cases of different crimes, such as murders and kidnapping – what lead to these events happening? Could it be linked to the primary or secondary socialisation that a person receives? The students have enjoyed this unit so far and have expressed that they are enjoying the challenging and complex ideas that we delve in to, especially as this is something that they have never had the opportunity to study before. Year 10 have had a busy start to this academic year, which started with them completing the education unit and the corresponding end of unit test. This has proved a popular topic for them to study, as they have been able to apply the theory and knowledge to themselves and their peers. This has provided us with varied, lively and positive debates within the classroom. Over the Christmas period, the Year 10 students will need to complete revision for the January mocks. The unit that they are being tested on is the
education unit. For this, they will need to revise the key theoretical perspectives such as Feminism, Marxism, Interactionism and Functionalism and their ideas about education. We have now moved on to the Family unit, where we have been looking at the difference types of family that exist in society, as well as the how the family unit has changed over the years. Alongside the unit, we have watched a Southampton based programme looking at different family types and the differences in the rich/poor divide. This has proved hugely topical, with Christmas around the corner, as we have discussed societal expectations when buying Christmas presents is concerned. Year 11 students have been working hard in preparation for their mock exams by attending revision sessions and using their lesson notes to ensure they are fully prepared. The students have been able to attend revision sessions after school every Thursday and these sessions will begin again after the Christmas holidays. Linking to a school-wide project, Year 11 looked at the World War One Centenary from a sociological perspective. They looked at how the key 4 theoretical groups differ in their views about war an act, how war would affect society, differences in male and female’s roles and how the after effects of war can impact different people.
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