Regents Review Winter 2020
The Regents Review Winter 2020
Year 11 PSHE Day Year 11 had a real good opportunity to engage in relevant sessions as part of our PSHE day on 19th October. They rotated around the following 6 sessions during the day. • Recap of college / apprenticeship pathways with Mr Gates. • Time to research their possible pathways, investigate / apply to colleges. • Virtual session with Solent Mind covering mental health and exam stress. • Virtual session with Yellow Door covering the dangers of pornography. • Virtual session with Alcohol Education Trust covering the dangers associated with alcohol. • The dangers of smoking and its effects led by Mr Grainey from science. Year 7 Year 7 have had a fantastic first term at Regents Park, which I am extremely proud of. We know Regents Park, like many other schools could not offer the induction package to support the transition from primary to secondary education due to the pandemic. It is no secret whist preparing for this term with so many unknowns, I was very concerned about how Year 7 would cope with starting a new school given the circumstances, however Year 7 has surprised me with their excitement and passion. It is clear Year 7 were ready to get back to some sense of normality and routine. Each week we have an achievement challenge, where we celebrate the top students for each week. It has been great to have different students winning each week which demonstrates the number students in Year 7 who are applying themselves in all their subjects. All resources from the day have been loaded onto the Year group’s Google Classroom.
PSHE From 2020 PSHE has now become a statutory subject meaning that all students should be taking part in activities. At Regents Park we are in a very good place, as all of our students already cover a lot of the compulsory content through their subjects, tutor time, assemblies and on PSHE days. There was a parental consultation about this change that happened during the 3 weeks around the autumn half term holiday. I would like to thank the parents that responded with their views, overwhelmingly supporting the work and content that we already cover. As part of changes this year, every student has been invited to a Year group class on Google Classroom, so that content we cover as part of PSHE days and in school can be shared for those absent or for parents who wish to see what we are covering. This was something that parents asked for from the survey we conducted. Our external providers that would normally come into school for our PSHE sessions have been successfully using virtual platforms to deliver content, supported by our staff in school who are able to field questions from students. Congratulations to: Alana, Henry, Abi, Archie, Nikola, Elliot, Tyla, Nelly, Nikola, Jawad, Ryan, Ashleigh, Emma, Joshua, Rebeka, Tori, Ed, Krishanth, Gracie-Ava, Joseph & Olivia Attendance is monitored closely, we know students who have high attendance maximise their opportunities of academic progress. To have 100% attendance in the first term is amazing. Congratulations to: Wahdaan, Jelan, Ema, Alfie, Simran, Alfie, Andrei, Joshua, Kaidyn, Kiera, Harv, Borys, Rebeka, Tyler, Max, Aditya, Ashleigh, Nikola, Jessica, Hannah, Henry, Che, Kyle, Haydan, Reuben, Jessica, James, Joseph, Julija, Cherice, Mae, Eleftheria, Jasveer, Joshua, Jawad, Izzy, Julia,
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