Regents Review Winter 2020

The Regents Review Winter 2020

GENERAL NEWS PSHE & Careers Careers

Year 7 PSHE Day Year 7 had the first taste of a full day of PSHE in November. They really embraced the challenges and sessions delivered during the day. • Team building challenge with Mr Sinclair. • Examining anti-social behaviour and the causes / prevention with Miss Fison. • Virtual session with Solent Mind covering mental health and exam stress. • Virtual session with Yellow Door covering what makes up healthy relationships. • Virtual session with Hampshire Fire & Rescue Service covering safety in the home and escape plans. • Developing their Leadership, Organisation, Resilience, Initiative & Communication (LORIC) skills with Mr Pine & Miss Reed.

Our students have been opened up to a variety of virtual opportunities in the world of work this term! These include: virtual college events and chances to apply for virtual work experience, particularly for Year 11. Students should keep an eye out for more external career events coming their way by regularly logging into their Year group Google Classroom.

In school, the Year 11 students have been keenly taking part in their career appointments with the Level 6 careers advisor via telephone in the library, whilst independently researching and applying for college and apprenticeship places.

Next term we have the most exciting careers events upcoming for all Year groups including our annual Regents Park Careers Festival, whereby all students are off-timetable and participating in activities related to their careers personal development. Spring dates for the diary: • Year 11s to have applied for at least one college by Christmas. (Students are encouraged to apply for as many as they are interested in so they can make their final choice in August once exam results are received.) • Careers Festival - Friday 12th February 2021 • Solomon Theatre - Year 10 & 11 ‘Choices’ Performance: Monday 15th March • Year 9 Lionheart Challenge - March (TBC)

All resources from these sessions have also been loaded onto the Year group’s Google Classroom.


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