Regents Review Winter 2020
The Regents Review Winter 2020
Resham, Beau, Daisy, Olivia, Alana, Uma, Ryan, Mikey, Lewis, Amelia, Eleanor, Taisia, Mya, Luca, Umar, Carla, Yasin, Hrishi, Krishanth, Victoria, Lily, Elliot, Bryony, Leo, Tori, Mahlet, Yasin, Sophie, Kacper & Eliza
Barron, Mrs O’Brien, Mr Selfe, Mr Russell, Mr Timmis, Mrs Mouland Mrs Stanness-Witcher and Mrs Blakely for their support for Year 7. I really wish all Year 7s and their families have a wonderful Christmas holiday. I look forward
to continuing our Regents Park journey in January 2021.
Happy Christmas
Mr Sinclair Head of Year 7
I wish to thank all the tutors: Mr
Year 8
As we move towards the end of term, I am so proud of what Year 8 have achieved within a short space of time in such different circumstances. Year 8 have come back so positive and proactive towards their learning and I am so proud of all they have achieved. This year we have been embedding our capital culture - flying around the world, watching musicals, visiting museums, all from the comfort of our tutor rooms. Students have been talking about where they have been and learning new things about the world. As we move into 2021, we will continue to build upon this and we are looking to add in some capital culture badges as well. Year 8 have been choosing their options and students have now ‘pledged’ their choices they are currently thinking of choosing, we will be sending out more information in the new year as to our next steps.
We have to make a special announcement to all those students who are zero heroes this year. Well done everyone. Zero Heroes
Lilla Liwia Lola Lottie Mahdi Manjeet Marcus Millie Milosz Mina Nadia Natalia-Mai Oscar Oscar Oskar Robert Ruby Taylor Ryan Lee
Alysha Ayisha Belle Connie Daisy Daniel Eren Eve Gabe Grace Harry Haydn India Isabella Jack
Sajal Sean
Shayne Sophia Sophie Stanley Sylvia Tyler Whitlee
James Jamie Julia Layla Leah Lewis Lewis
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