Regents Review Winter 2020
The Regents Review Winter 2020
Drama Year 7 have been exploring what it was like being an evacuee in World War Two, creating some very emotional scenes of children leaving their homes for the duration of the war. Stars of the half term: Izzy, Nikola, Lola, Rebeka and Ashleigh
Year 9 have started their BTEC performing arts course and have explored the theatre practitioner Constantin Stanislavski and naturalistic acting. They have performed several pieces of script including a monologue and have just completed a small group improvisation based on real events. Some outstanding work from the group – well done. Stars of the half term: Mariella Year 11 have now completed their coursework for BTEC performing arts and they will begin their exam in January. They worked so hard on the day of their mock exam and should be commended. Stars of the half term: Kacper and Keeley-Mae
Year 8 looked at segregation and created some outstanding work about racism throughout history. They researched Martin Luther King, re-enacted the story of Rosa Parks and explored the rules of apartheid in South Africa. Stars of the half term: Malakai, Stanley and Leo
some banners, completed some creative writing and recorded some music. Their work, along with other residents of Southampton was displayed in an art installation from 17th December to 20th December in West Quay Shopping Centre.
Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 have taken part in the Art Asia Mayflower 400 project looking at ‘Belonging’. They have spent a few weeks exploring the topic of ‘Belonging’ and relating it to their lives and the lives of the pilgrims 400 years ago. They have created
Mrs Freeman Head of Creative Arts
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