Regents Review - Summer 2023

The Regents Review Summer 2023


As part of iMedia, students undertake two controlled assessments covering different topics within IT. Year 10 have just sat their mock exams and have completed their first controlled assessment with results due in August and started working through their second assignment, which is to produce an interactive website aimed at promoting an activity centre to young people. They will be continuing this assessment on websites when they return in September. Congratulations to Daniel & Lola for being stars of the year!

Year 9 have been spending time on a selection of mini projects, testing their digital editing skills ensuring they cover the key skills to prepare them for the first controlled assessment, which they have already started and will be continuing in September. Congratulations to Wiktor and Victoria for being stars of the year! KS3 ICT Both Years 7 and 8 have been studying computer science topics like coding and algorithms. These topics will equip our students with the knowledge of computing and prepare them for their GCSE options in computer science and ICT courses. Congratulations to the following students on the right, for being nominated by their teachers as being stars of the year. Enterprise & Marketing Year 10 have just sat their mock exams and have completed their first controlled assessment with results due in August and will start working through their second assignment, pitching a business proposal for Baslow bags, in September, as well as continuing the study of the exam unit for enterprise and marketing concepts. Congratulations to Manjeet & Sophie for being stars of the year! Year 9 have been studying theory in preparation to

7BW: Binti & Poppy 7BX: Nefeli & Logan 7BY: Mohammad & Alfie 7BZ: Phoebe & Michael 7GX: Jireh & Luisa 7GY: Aiden & Ethan 7GZ: Baboucarr & Sanupa 8BW: Zaine & Eliza 8BX: Lilly & Zaki

8BY: Jake & Emilia 8BZ: Cliff & James 8GX: Amir 8GY: Oskar & Enis 8GZ: Kinti & Alice

start their controlled assessment in September to design a business proposal. The coursework has been released in June, titled Ali’s Ice Cream Treats. Congratulations to Shoeey for being star of the year!


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