Regents Review - Summer 2023
The Regents Review Summer 2023
Year 8 Art Year 8 students have been studying the artist, Wayne Thiebaud. They completed accurate replicas of his painting and then used this to inspire them to design and make a clay slab pot, to look like a slice of clay. Students were given the option to choose a theme which they like, to help decorate their cake. Students have worked hard
to develop their clay sculpting skills and are looking forward to painting them, when they have been fired in our kiln. ICT & Business Goodbye to Year 11
We said goodbye to our Year 11 students after they had completed their exams in May. Mrs Moussa had a special treat for Year 11X/Cs class and we wish them all the best of luck for their future.
KS4 Computer Science Year 10 have just completed their mock exam, and we concentrated on unit 1 - system architecture. We are moving on to unit 2 in September to be ready for the next set of mocks in November. Congratulations to Ezra and Hong for being the stars of the year! Year 9 started practising their skills in programming using Python. They have also been practising exam skills for the end of unit assessment. Congratulations to Hikmet, Andrei and Leo for being the stars of the year!
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