Regents Review - Summer 2021

The Regents Review Summer 2021


iMedia – KS4 In our first full term back, Year 9 Creative iMedia have continued to work on their first controlled assessment, creating designs and gathering assets for their Sci-Fi Book cover. We have developed our understanding of legislation related to copyright and other graphics. When we return in September we will be developing our photo editing skills to create an impressive final product showing off our talents. Our Year 10 students have been completing their second controlled assessment creating a promotional website to attract visitors to Southampton. They have been tailoring their work to suit their chosen target market and been using a wide range of interactive techniques including rollovers, animations and image maps to increase the appeal of their products. Additionally, they have successfully completed their first full mock exam, which has built on knowledge and practice from our lockdown live lessons and interactive resources on Google Classroom. All of this will be leading up to them sitting their exam next year for real. Cyber Ambassadors Our ambassadors had their live training in June and were awarded their badge and certificate. The ambassadors had a full day of training and really enjoyed all the activities. They also had their first event to organise on 30th June, World Social Media Day. One of our ambassadors, Ani, created her own Kahoot on social media facts for tutors to run during tutor time and we had some really positive feedback from some tutors. They also had another activity at break time, encouraging students to fill in a post-it note about a positive fact they want to share with others. For more information on the scheme, please visit this website: cyber-ambassadors

IT – KS3 Our Year 7 students have been busy planning and designing their game/story using Scratch software to improve their programming skills in preparation of learning Python programming language in Year 8. Some students have been really excited learning more skills in Scratch than what they were used to in their primary school and some are producing great games. A’ron from 7G2 produced a very good game, showing very high level skills in programming. Our Year 8 students have been researching trends in technology and concentrating on ethical, social, legal, environmental effects of the technology on our lives. Students are also researching real life examples of these effects which will support their knowledge further about online safety. Students have been busy preparing their presentation about their chosen technology, which they have presented to their class during the last week of term. Computer Science – KS4 Our Year 9 students have been developing their programming skills and increasing their range of techniques. They have explored their ability to create programs to some given scenarios or problems by their teacher. Additionally, students have been able to apply their skills in an open format in creating their own text-based RPG (Role Playing Games). A number of students have created some original and inventive adventures that demonstrate their increasing skill base and coding ability. Our Year 10 students have been studying the ethical, legal, cultural and environmental impacts of digital technology and students have been able to model real life examples of the effects of the pandemic and remote learning are having on us. They have completed the system software unit, as well as studying the operating system in details. They also carried on developing their programming skills. Additionally, they have successfully completed their first full mock exam of a previous exam board paper, and they were introduced to the mark scheme to boost their confidence and knowledge on how to answer exam style questions.


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