Regents Review Summer 2019-20

The Regents Review Summer 2020


RPCC Teaching & Learning Blog

There is no more Teaching & Learning Bulletin... instead, something a little bit more exciting! It has been remodelled! Our new T&L Blog will feature information on all of the collaborative work, pedagogy discussions, events and research that the bulletin did, just in a brand new form - we’re all grown up! Follow us, like us and subscribe or just have a read each time it is updated! We really hope you enjoy it and are reassured that we continue to celebrate the amazing T&L that goes on every day at RPCC! Year 11 Exam Grades Update We are inviting Year 11s to come into school to collect their results. Students will be asked to come in three bands at the following times based on the first letter of their surname: A – C Please arrive between 9:00am – 9:30am D – F Please arrive between 9:30am – 10:00am G – J Please arrive between 10:00am – 10:30am K – N Please arrive between 10:30am – 11:00am O – S Please arrive between 11:00am – 11:30 am T – Z Please arrive between 11:30am – 12:00pm • Unfortunately, parents will not be able to accompany you into school. • There will be a socially distanced queue to pick up results. • We will supply you with information as to where you can access next steps in regards Post-16 education. • Results will be available from main reception. • On the day we will not be able to deal with queries about results, but will supply you with information about how to raise any queries you may have. As always any results that are not picked up on the day will be posted home. We will also not be able to hand out results to any third part on the day, even with a letter or permission.

Year 11 Prom Our Year 11 Prom has been rescheduled to Thursday 17th December. Arrival time is between 6.00pm - 7.00pm and the party finishes at at 11.00pm. We look forward to this day to celebrate our Year 11s time at school and so that students can see their friends and teachers one last time.


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