Regents Review Summer 2019-20

The Regents Review Summer 2020


Sparsholt College Sparsholt have been sending work to one of our students, Grace through their Moodle site, similar to Google Classroom. She has been working on Animal Health, Nutrition and Care for her Diploma. She has very much enjoyed looking for information and pictures, crafting Powerpoints and leaflets about what she has learned and studied during lockdown, but as many students are - anxious to get back to it!

Grace has also been working hard behind the scenes on her art work.

RNLI Water Safety Message As a Local Authority in the South East Region, I am writing to you from the RNLI about our new education resources. This summer, our Lifeguards cannot be on every beach, meaning a heightened water safety risk to beach goers. We are asking you to help us share some important messages to children and their families. We are asking you in partnership to support us in spreading the water safety message. For more information, please visit their website at: home


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