Regents Review Summer 2019-20

The Regents Review Summer 2020


Year 6 Work Year 6s are also starting to make a positive impression, with students already logging onto Google Classroom. A special mention goes to Umar for being the first Year 6 student to complete and submit a piece of work online. We have consulted Year 6 parents about transition and within a day of posting the questionnaire, we

had 100 responses, so it seems that it’s not just the Year 6s who are keen to complete their homework. Parents commented that their children were looking forward to Regents Park but naturally some are a little nervous. They needn’t worry as they will have the school to themselves for two days when the new term starts in September and an engaging and supportive programme has been organised for these days.

No Limits Service Update How can a young person, or someone concerned about a young person, access support from No Limits? You can telephone: 02380 224 224 or go to www. k to use the webchat. Email: A youth worker is available to provide support during the following hours: Monday: 10am - 5pm Tuesday: 10am - 5pm Wednesday: 1.30pm - 8pm Thursday: 10am - 8pm Friday: 10am - 5pm Saturday: 10am - 1.30pm

Library If there is one thing Mrs

@RPCC_Library , make sure to give her a follow! Ms Bradley has just recently joined the RPCC library and she has also put together some challenges for you to do. ‘Wednesday Word Fun’ can be found on our school website which includes puzzles to challenge your brain. See if you can work out the Rebus puzzles, then check to see how many you guessed right. Be creative - see if you can work out any new puzzles yourself.

Highmore has missed whilst on maternity-leave, it’s the Friday quiz! Even though she hasn’t been able to host in person for you, she really wanted to get back to quizzing. She has kindly put together quizzes that you can download every Friday on our school website. These can be shared to friends and family so they can play along too. Mrs Highmore will also be sharing resources and news on the brand new library twitter account:


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