Regents Review Summer '18
The Regents Review Summer 2018
Poem Competition Over 30 students from Year 7 to Year 11 have decided to take up the challenge of choosing a poem and translate it into English. Cash prizes are up for grabs! Winners will be annouced in November - please keep an eye on our website.
On Tuesday 8th May, some of our Year 8 students who had won the languages Arsenal Double Club competition have had the opportunity to visit the Arsenal stadium. Our school was one of the 20 schools out of 250 schools who had won this competition - impressive! Students had to make a video that combined languages and football. Out of 250 schools entered, 20 groups won the opportunity to visit Arsenal Emirates Stadium, meet guest speakers and participate in a variety of activities. These included: multilingual quiz, French quiz and football activities with the hope to win the trophy of the day. Zak Chentoufi was one of the three finalists of the first quiz. In addition to this, we are very pleased to announce that the students that visited the Arsenal Emirates Stadium had also won the quiz and football activities on the day. A big well done to the winning students: Emmanuel Egbe Why translate? ”The opportunity translation offers to explore one’s own literary resources is possibly the greatest immediate gain of its practice. But this is not the only benefit, engagement with a source text also obliges a translator to examine intensely that text’s own internal structure and working.” Daniel Weissbort
Justin Kimathi Riley Knowles Lydia Barucka Faheem Rashid Alex Gesteira Patrick Ricardo Zak Chentoufi Darren Fonjweng Samuel Palmer
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