Regents Review Summer '18
The Regents Review Summer 2018
DEPARTMENTAL NEWS Sociology As we are coming to the end of the first academic year that Regents Park Community College have been offering GCSE Sociology, I would like to congratulate the students for embarking on a new journey, where they have discussed challenging and exciting topics, such as reasons behind crime and statistically, who is likely to achieve in education. Ms Webster’s Year 10 students have recently sat their first full GCSE mock paper for the subject and have made every effort to revise the sociological theories and perspectives that are required of them. They have used a variety a revision skills and techniques to consolidate their knowledge, such as revision mats and note cards. We hope that this will give them the understanding of the necessary revision and knowledge needed for their fast approaching GCSE exams.
In Miss Grassie’s Year 9 class, the students have recently travelled to London to experience first- hand a criminal court case at the infamous Old Bailey, now known as the Central Criminal Court. The students were lucky enough to receive a tour of the cellars linked to the courts and were able to view a live trial taking place on the day. The students sat incredibly attentively for over an hour to listen to part of the evidence from a double murder cold case from 2007. They were engaged throughout as they listened to the details of the crime scene and how the accused had fled the country with multiple fake passports! As a way of raising and encouraging aspirations for our students for the future, on our day trip to London, we also had a talk from a member of the University College of London (UCL), in the Social Science
department. During the talk we discussed how a degree in a Social Science related course can open up many opportunities for the students, such as working within the criminal justice system. As well as the opportunities that a university degree can unveil, we also discussed university life and expectations that are held of the students. We hope that this experience has encouraged our students to achieve the best that they can in school and to continue to further their education in the future.
Traditional Board Games
Students in Sociology have taken inspiration from traditional board games and transformed them in to ‘The Sociology of Education’ revision games. We will be testing each others’ knowledge of the marxist and feminist outlooks on education over the next couple of lessons and using them to revisit the topic in the coming months.
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