Regents Review Summer '18

The Regents Review Summer 2018


Careers Special We are proud to announce that Regents Park Community College has been selected to be a pilot school for the prestigious ‘Investor in Careers’ award. With the support of Hampshire County Council and SUN (Southern Universities Network) we will develop our already thriving programme and work towards being recognised as a provider of excellent CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) and ensuring all students are prepared for the next stage of their education, training and employment. We will also be placing high value on work-related learning and employability skills and raising aspirations amongst all students further still. We hope to be the very first Southampton school to achieve the Investor in Careers award. BAE Systems Event On Thursday 28th June, Year 7 and 8 were fortunate to experience the BAE “It’s a Numbers Game” roadshow. Throughout the show, students were introduced to a series of fun and fascinating ways in which maths is used in everyday life, including examples of the practical application of mathematical techniques within BAE Systems, the RAF and the Royal Navy. The presentation included the most up to date technologies to demonstrate the importance of maths in the future of engineering. The amazing robot ‘MIA’ also attended to show off her mathematical genius and explore developments in facial recognition technology. There were plenty of volunteers keen to help out with the ‘Great Drainpipe Challenge’ and the Paramotor demonstration!

Alumni Please check out our new alumni page which features some of our ex students. If you know anyone who used to attend Regents Park Community College and would like to be part of our alumni community, please contact us via our email address: info@regentspark. Hannah Parker Doctor at University Hospital Southampton How has your time at Regents Park helped you with your life after education? I had some great opportunities to improve my confidence in public speaking and presenting. As well as extra-curricular activities and brilliant teachers who encouraged me to pursue my interests. This has definitely helped me get through medical school and beyond! What did you do when you left Regents Park? I went to Richard Taunton Sixth Form College to study biology, chemistry, maths, psychology, french and English. I then moved to London to study medicine at Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry. As well as completing a BSc in medical education. Having now finished my degrees, I’ve returned to Southampton to work as a doctor. What advice would you give your former 14 year old self? Work hard and do your best at school and in exams, but don’t forget to have fun with your family and friends too. Make the most of the opportunities you are offered, you never know when those skills and experiences will be useful in later life.


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