Regents Review Summer '18

The Regents Review Summer 2018


Headteacher’s Tea The top two achievers from each year group from the month of March were invited to have afternoon tea with the Headteacher, Mrs Barnes on Tuesday 1st May.

Transition Day & Evening With the largest cohort yet, our Transition events this year needed rethinking! Parents Evening alone had to be divided into two sections to cater for the numbers expected. However, a clash with a certain football match meant that rather than expecting hordes of eager students and supportive parents, we were suddenly faced with the prospect of a hall full of empty chairs. But we needn’t have worried, cohort 2018 and their families were out in force with over 170 students and parents attending this important evening. A formal welcome from the Head Boy, Konur Bilgic and Head Girl, Evelyn Pybus – established a formal but friendly tone. Next to the stage was Mrs Barnes and therapy dog, Spencer. Mrs Barnes outlined her high expectations of students’ behaviour and learning at Regents Park and explained the school’s ethos of ‘ respect’, ‘pride’, ‘creativity’ and ‘challenge’ . The Year 6s also met their Head of Year and other key staff were introduced. A high level of pastoral support is offered to Year 7 and this was explained clearly. The audience were also treated to a sneaky preview of an RPCC’s X Factor Year 7 performance before the Year 7 models took to the stage strutting their stuff as part of the uniform fashion show! As well as a pastoral focus, the evening also sought to ensure a smooth academic transfer with no learning lost between KS2 and KS3. All departments were represented on the night showcasing work from current Year 7s and sharing schemes of work. Year 6s were all give their

‘Regents Ready’ booklets containing a range of activities to complete before the start of term. Their effort will be rewarded with certificates and prizes in September. The following day was the Year 6 Transition Day. Students met other members of their tutor group and completed sample lessons. In science the bunsen burners were used for experiments and in art students worked collaboratively to produce individual pieces of art, which formed a final bigger piece. In MFL students learned some key phrases and how to order ice-creams in French. Finally, in what was the highlight for many, students went swimming in the school’s own pool. After an exciting day, Year 6s left chatting to new friends about new experiences at their new school. Certificates and pens in hand, the Year 6s looked well on their way to being Regents Ready.


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