Regents Review Winter '18
The Regents Review Winter 2018
Key Stage 3 English After finishing the reading of a selection of novels, Year 7 classes have moved onto a survival unit in their English lessons. This unit has engaged students beautifully and lots of their creative writing pieces have shown a growing maturity in their ability to show empathy. Stimuli has included real life events and texts such as: ‘Touching the Void’. Year 8 are now engrossed in the study of a range of novels, including: ‘Stone Cold’ and ‘Ways to Live Forever’ focusing on how characters are presented in different ways through the use of language. Year 10 ‘Romeo and Juliet’ trip On 8th November, Mrs Ukahi and Miss Grassie took 40 students to the Barbican theatre in London to watch the Royal Shakespeare’s performance of Romeo and Juliet. This is the set text for GCSE English Literature. Many students had never been to the theatre before and it was a pleasure to see them engaging so well with the magnificence of a live theatre performance.
Reading Students in Years 7 and 8 are busily completing their reading journal draw cards. Having changed our approach this year, we are encouraging students to vary their reading choices and genres. Please help your child get their cards completed by asking them about what they are reading at home and recommending your favourite teen read – it will fill a box on the card too!
Year 11 Globe Theatre Trip On Thursday 11th October, a joint History and English trip to the Globe Theatre took place. Students were treated to a Romeo and Juliet workshop to further develop and reinforce their understanding of the way the play can be interpreted. It was an engaging session and provided a great revision session for students which they enjoyed.
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