Regents Review Winter '18
The Regents Review Winter 2018
Christmas Trolley Once again Regents Park promoted the Christmas trolley organised by Mrs Cosford - Deputy Headteacher. We would like to thank everyone who has helped support this. Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal Regents Park Community College is proud to announce that we have raised £272.94 for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. Recent Ofsted Report Our latest Ofsted report can be found on our website, https://www.regentsparkcollege. or at provider/23/116450
Children In Need This year we raised £730 in aid of Children in Need. We would like to thank everyone who came in to school in non school uniform and contributed to the donation.
Bike Permits Update We are running a new method for issuing bike permits. All bike permits issued previously are now invalid. If your child would like a bike permit, please visit our website or request a paper copy of the letter, complete and return the slip to reception. For your information, we have a limited number available. Trainee Teachers Congratulations to our five ITTs who have completed a successful first term at Regents Park - they are: Miss G Birch: Maths Over the course of this term, they have immersed themselves into the life of their respective curriculum areas and with the wider school community, including supporting with revision classes and school trips. We wish them well when they start their second placement in January. Miss Birch, Miss Bowers, Miss Harrison and Miss Salsbury will be returning to Regents Park after February half term. Miss E Bowers: English Miss N Harrison: History Miss A Salsbury: Art Miss L Rodriguez: MFL
School Dress Code Update
Now that it is getting colder, it has been requested that we trial an addition to our school dress code: the option to wear a non-logo navy or grey jumper until the end of the spring term in April. The jumper must be plain navy or grey without any emblem (with the exception of the school logo if desired) and the style must be of the normal v-neck. These are available from our suppliers, Skoolkit in Totton (with a logo) or from other retailers such as Asda, M&S or Tesco (without a logo). The rest of the uniform will remain the same.
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