Regents Review - Summer 2023

The Regents Review Summer 2023


Diversity Week As part of our Year 9 Curriculum and Diversity Week, our students have the opportunity to take a closer look at customs and festivals in the Spanish and French speaking world. Our Spanish students really enjoyed learning the origins of the bizarre ‘Baby Jumping Festival’ - some even had a go at being the Colacho themselves! Year 8’s Monsters As part of their learning on body parts and health - Year 8 have designed their very own monsters! This allowed students to consolidate vocabulary, not only on body parts, but also physical descriptions, clothing and opinions.

Year 9 into 10 Able Linguists

The MFL department are excited to begin the GCSE specification with our new GCSE classes in September - if you would like to find out any extra information or get a head start - please check out our Google Classroom page: tmfl677

Year 7 Café Year 7 French classes have created their own café menu, from which the students have created role plays ordering from each other’s menu and asking for the price.

LanguageNut The MFL department continue to be impressed with students’ effort on our online learning platform LanguageNut. Below you will see the leaderboards via class and individual student - well done! Remember, LanguageNut is a great resource to keep your languages fresh over the summer break - your usernames and passwords can found on your Google Classroom.

Trip to France Mrs Mouland is currently researching a potential trip to Paris in 2024 - watch this space!


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