Regents Review - Summer 2023

The Regents Review Summer 2023

DEPARTMENTAL NEWS Physical Education

Rounders club has had an impressive turnout with a variety of different age groups, abilities and gender. All of which has contributed to such an inclusive environment, where students have developed a range of skills and confidences within the sport. The attendees have then used these skills to represent Regents Park in a rounders tournament against other schools. Our KS4 girls’ team have shown outstanding commitment and performances in all games and have shown great respect when representing our school. Huge congratulations to all involved! This Girl Can – Girls PE Champions and This Girl Can

Biggest Football Session This year, Miss Robinson, Miss Grannum and the This Girl Can Ambassadors (TGC) ran The Girls Biggest Football Session, where we had over 60 girls taking part in skills, drills and tournaments. Our TGC Ambassadors showed excellent student leadership through the drills and skills they ran and developed. As well as this, they officiated the tournament games and ran challenges whilst teams were off. Furthermore, we had Mel and Laura from Stoneham Ladies Football Club, who came in as role models for the girls, helped run sessions and joined in with the management of football teams. This has generated an exciting and stimulating environment for our girls and our Ambassadors have been truly inspirational.

This year the PE Champions and This Girl Can Ambassadors have developed their teamwork in order to collaborate on a number of different events. Our students have developed leadership skills to deliver lessons to Year 7 and 8s. They have been creative in organising a swimathon/rowathon as part of their charity event to raise money for the CALM charity and Young Lives vs Cancer and they have shown good levels of commitment to supporting extra-curricular clubs. As we approach the end of the year, we had some exciting positions opening. This position is to assist Alana and Ethan as head This Girl Can Ambassador and head PE Champion. The interview process took place just before the summer holidays.


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