Regents Review - Summer 2023
The Regents Review Summer 2023
GENERAL NEWS Transition Day
As part of our transition programme, on the evening of 4th July, we held our annual Transition Parents Evening. New Head of Year, Mr Cunningham, joined us and shared his love of Daim bars – as well as outlining his high expectations for his year group. Headteacher, Mrs Barnes, formally welcomed parents to our community and this year Spencer, our therapy dog, actually behaved himself on stage! Parents were also treated to a performance from our very own international under 16 dance champion, before the Year 7s presented the school uniform in our now famous uniform fashion show. Finally, student leadership was showcased with our student leaders’ parade. The following day saw Year 6s arrive for their first day on site. They were supported by LSAs and a team of student Transition Ambassadors, who kicked off the day with a guided tour of the school and its facilities. Following this, students experienced a range of lessons all linked to our ethos of respect, pride, creativity and challenge . In art, they designed leaves and butterflies, inspired by their personalities and these individual pieces will be collated to form a Year 7 masterpiece which will be on display in the hall when they arrive in September. The PE lesson encouraged students to work on team-building and getting active. In the science session, students got hands-on with their first chemical experiments and in English, they explored the theme of respect in different media before responding imaginatively themselves. Some learned how to order ice-creams in Spanish, while others studied the historical context of the lyrics of ‘We Didn’t Start the Fire’ in a History lesson. Geography challenged students to consider how to earthquake proof structures, but with limited resources, depending which country they were allocated. Overall, a varied experience of learning, the Regents Park way was offered. In line with our reward culture, the Year 6s all left with certificates, recognising that they had successfully completed their day and embraced the Regents Park ethos. We gave them one final challenge to takeaway and that was the ‘Summer Homework’ booklet, filled with activities from each subject area that link to the Year 7 curriculum. Students who try the hardest will receive rewards with Mr Cunningham challenging them to beat the record set by a previous year group for the most students in the ‘Headteacher’s Hot Chocolate’. After a successful transition experience, we look forward to seeing the next generation of Regents Park students in September. Wearing their uniform with pride, having challenged themselves with the summer homework, they will be ready to respect new classmates and excited about the creative learning ahead of them.
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