Regents Review - Summer 2023
The Regents Review Summer 2023
Careers It has been an exciting year for our careers programme, with students from a variety of year groups taking part in our extensive in-house programme, as well as, activities such as ‘Energyquest’, ‘Advertising Unlocked’ and ‘Your Future’ at St Mary’s Stadium. Next year, we hope to enhance our programme with even more inspirational activities for our students, especially with involvement from employers and training providers. We have dates in the diary for the following: • Post-16 Careers Fair - Thursday 23rd November 2023, 1:00pm - 3:15pm • Year 10 Mock Interview Day - Wednesday 6th December 2023 • Year 10 Work Experience - 26th February - 1st March 2024 • Careers Festival - Wednesday 18th July 2024 If you think you might be able to help with any of these events, please get in touch!
When students complete missions, they can collect reward cards and space themed stickers from any of their teachers! When they fill their cards, they receive a tasty sweet treat from Miss Fison! Students have been working really hard on these challenges – here is a selection of them and their work so far…
Summer School & Swim School We are holding a Summer School and a Swim School for both Year 6 and 7 students during the summer break. During the summer school, students will be able to partake in activities including: swimming, maths, creative arts, reading and humanities - to name but a few! All of the activities will focus on the four parts of our ethos at Regents Park: Respect, Pride, Creativity and Challenge . In our swim school, we will be challenging our students to swim as far as possible and achieve as many meters as they can! Keep an eye on our website and social media pages for news on this during the summer break! T&L Space Missions Last term saw the launch of the ‘Regents Park Space Missions’! When students finish their work to a high standard, they can choose an exciting mission from the ‘Space Mission’ tubs that are in every learning space across the school! Some missions are specific to the subject area and some are much broader or even cross-curricular!
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