Regents Review - Summer 2021
The Regents Review Summer 2021
wonderful things about our peers at school and we look forward to adding ‘Kindness Mondays’ into our year group plan for next year. We have had 38 students with 100% attendance throughout this year, which is incredible. A huge well done to all of these students below:
of the wellbeing change team. It has given us time, where we can use skills needed in adulthood like responsibility and independence through being a representation of our tutor groups. I have thoroughly enjoyed this experience and I hope to continue this journey into Year 9.” As Stanley has discussed we introduced ‘Kindness Mondays’ which was a huge success, some of the nominations were: • Miss Harrison - “For having enjoyable lessons.” • Mrs Timmis - “Because she helped with a difficult problem in tutor.” • Miss Fison - “For helping me in class and being helpful.” • Mr Barron - “Always keeps the class calm and doesn’t shout. He explains the tasks really well.” • Mr Stone - “Because when I’m in his lesson he always helps me and tells me that I’ve done well. • Mrs Moth - “She is really funny and always helps people.” • Mrs Cosford - “Is the kindest and funniest teacher I have, she is my favourite teacher and I love doing the practicals.” • Mrs Morrissey - “Because she is always kind to me and I thought it would be nice to nominate her.” • Miss Chegwidden - “She always helps me when I need it.” • Mrs Stanness-Witcher - “She taught me how to draw using a different piece of equipment.” It’s been lovely to hear such
this year as well - well over half of the year group, a huge congratulations to all students below:
Connie Ayisha Belle Daisy Daniel Eren Eve Grace Haydn India Isabella
Alfie Benjamin Casey Charan Daniel Daniel Erin Georgia Harvey Jack James Jasmine Julia Junior Leo Lilla Liwia Lola Lucy Marcus Martyna Maya Michaella
James Jamie Leah Lewis Lewis
Lilla Lola Lottie Mahdi Manjeet Marcus Millie Milosz Oskar Robert
Ruby Ryan Sean Shayne Sophie Louise Stanley Sylvia Tyler
Mina Oscar Owen
Sophia Stanley Tyler
William Willow We have had 92 Zero Heroes
Whitlee William
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