Regents Review Summer 2019-20

The Regents Review Summer 2020


ICT We had a busy summer term with some students working hard on their assignments set on Google Classroom. We have some interesting topics and students have been engaged with them since half term. KS3 Year 7 have been practising their skills at an iMedia taster task to create a promotional material for a film called “Epic Adventure”. Students get to decide on their own story, create spider diagrams and mood boards for their film and find suitable images online. They then, moved on to edit their images and create a poster for the film. Year 8 have been working on technology trends and how it affects their lives. They researched their chosen technology and went on to create a timeline for its development. They also researched the ethical, legal and social effects of the technology. They will soon be looking at the environmental effects and what does the future hold. We are also encouraging Year 8 students who have chosen creative iMedia or Computer Science to attempt the taster tasks on Google Classroom to make them confident they have chosen the right option for them.

answer all the questions correctly to be able to escape, and every time they answer a question incorrectly, they will have to start all over again. Students have been having fun partaking and letting us know how many times it took them to escape. Some fun activities will also be set for the summer holiday for both subjects in KS4 if students want to keep busy during the holiday. Stay safe at home and online and remember all the e-safety tips you have studied.

KS4 KS4 Creative iMeda students have been busy completing the research tasks on the city of Southampton in preparation for their coursework in the autumn term. KS4 Computer Science students have been practising their knowledge answering multiple choice questions for the different topics they have studied. More recently, we have issued an ‘escape room’ type of activity for both iMedia and Computer Science students, to test their knowledge. Students need to


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