Regents Review Summer 2019-20

The Regents Review Summer 2020


Science Well, what a term it has been! The science team have been working hard to support home learning and we have loved seeing your work and

labs. Every time I am allowed to visit something new have been added. If all goes to plan we should have at least two fully completed bespoke science labs and a new look prep room ready to use in September, with the remaining labs completed short into the new academic year.

communicating with you all over Google Classroom. We have been blown away by some of the creative ways our students have been learning and working, from models

of the solar system to science monopoly. It has been really amazing to see how the students of Regents Park have embraced the changes they have unexpectedly had forced upon us. I have really

I want to take this opportunity to thank the science team, they have been so supportive during this lock down period and I really couldn’t have coped without their efforts. I finally need to take an opportunity to say goodbye to Mrs Griffiths. I can’t really explain

enjoyed our new venture of Loom micro lessons. I was so impressed by the insightful questions asked by our students. It was great for me and the team to learn some new online video

how much support Mrs Griffiths has offered the department, myself and the school during her time at Regents Park. As my Assistant Curriculum Leader, she has been an

invaluable member of staff. She is moving on to become a Lead Practitioner at a Hampshire school. We are really proud of her and she will be very missed. I hope everyone has a restful summer and I look forward to welcoming new teachers and our students to our new-look science department in September.

teaching methods during the lockdown. I’m really proud of all our students’ continued efforts with Tassomai and I was thrilled to see it mentioned so fondly by Year 10s during Magic Moments. It was lovely to welcome two classes of Year 10 students back in to school, for a crash course in biology, chemistry and physics. These sessions have been designed to recap the key fundamental ideas before students return in September. I know Year 10s will be anxious about returning to school, but I really want them to know that we have plenty of time to get prepared for their exams. It will be hard work and will take determination from every student and teachers alike, I know we can all rise to this challenge together. I have been popping in and out of school and I am starting to get very excited about our new science


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