Regents Review Summer '18
The Regents Review Summer 2018
Year 9 I am very proud of Year 9 students at Regents Park. On the whole, the commitment and attitude to learning has been amazing to witness. This year is the first at the Regents Park in which students were studying their option subjects in Year 9. I feel the decision to choose their options in Year 8 for Year 9 has had a positive impact. Students seem very motivated and passionate about their learning.
Olivia Bearfield Jack Young
Looking forward to Year 10, tutor groups will be changing to support progress in both English and maths, as well as to challenge students to meet or exceed academic targets. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. I feel Year 9 have matured well and I am really excited to be continuing our journey to Year 10 and eventually to Year 11. I wish all Year 9 students and parents a restful summer and I look forward to seeing you in September.
Well done to all ten!
This has been a very busy term with Year 9 exams, parents evening, X Factor, Rock Challenge, sports day, trips to Poland and London where students had an amazing opportunity this year to visit various London attractions to add value to their learning. Attractions included the Tate Modern, British Library, Imperial War Museum, Bank of England, St Pauls Cathedral, Natural History Museum, The Old Bailey and the Olympic Park. This was the first time the whole year group had been on a trip to 8 different venues on the same day. The students found the experience very rewarding and I’m sure it is something we will look to repeat for all Year 9 students.
The top ten effort students in Year 9 are:
Bethany Hurst Hannah McArthur Zoe Swift Bartek Lebek Mason Baddams Thomas Farrelly David Calin Annalise Foley
Mr Sinclair Head of Year 9
Year 10
Wow! How is it the end of the year already? Year 10 continue to be respectful and prove that even though they are the smallest year group, they work hard as a team, are resilient and support each other to strive - that’s why I love being their Head of Year. Year 10 have been amazing this year, we have made massive progress within lessons and with our behaviour. Students have been given fantastic opportunities within school and externally on trips - jet setting across Europe.
We have celebrated many successes as a year group, with our new Head Boy, Konur Bilgic and Head Girl, Evelyn Pybus. As a team we have 50 (40% of the year group) students without any behaviour points this year. We have the most zero heroes in the whole school! In May we celebrated our achievements within the student senior leadership team, with a very hard and gruelling interview process, we are so proud to announce our team for 2018-19.
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