Regents Review Summer '18

The Regents Review Summer 2018


Trainee Teachers It was with a great deal of

in Southampton (including Regents Park), Hampshire and beyond. This bears testimony to the expertise and dedication of the curriculum mentor at Regents Park and their commitment to nurturing raw and exciting talent.

All made excellent progress over the course of the year and showed passion and commitment towards their chosen profession. It was a pleasure to see such sustained professionalism and enthusiasm over the course of the year. All trainees immersed themselves fully within the life of school including running extra- curricular clubs, supporting with revision workshops and sports clubs and assisting with Rock Challenge. All trainee teachers have been successful in securing NQT positions at a number of schools

sadness that we said goodbye to our trainee teachers at the end of June. Emma Wilding Science Ellie Austin History Hannah Leslie MFL Alice Reuif MFL Korryn Woodward Art Chloe Partridge Science

Maths Undergraduates Join RPCC Maths Department Sundeep Rathore and Tolulope Ogunremi , two maths undergraduates from the University of Southampton, have spent four weeks with the maths department, observing what it’s like teaching maths. They have had a busy four weeks which has encompassed doing a pupil pursuit, observing lessons, team teaching and leading a AMA (Academically Most Able) project. They have also supported with two trips, one to Itchen College and the other to Richard Taunton’s College.

NQT’s: Andy Stone, Jazz Fison, Gill Donovan, Laura Ebblewhite

EXCEPTIONAL NQTS! A massive and very deserved well done to: English Laura Ebblewhite History Jasmine Fison English Andy Stone Pe All have passed their NQT (newly qualified teacher) year with flying colours in all aspects of the Teaching Standards. Over the course of this year, they have consistently displayed a strong Gill Donovan

commitment to the ethos and community of our school and have shown a commendable energy and creativity in the classroom. In addition to this, they have played an active role in the cross- city NQT/ RQT programme that has involved visiting other schools and observing other teachers. What has also been wonderful to see is how each individual has demonstrated qualities of leadership and innovation, whether this has been through the introduction and co-ordination of new clubs,

delivering teaching and learning sessions at the Teaching and Learning briefings or through promotion to pastoral posts in our school. Their enthusiasm, insight and commitment is also a result of the dedicated and high quality mentoring they have received both formally from their respective curriculum mentors and from the support given by their colleagues. Well done Gill, Laura, Jasmine and Andy. We wish Laura good luck in her school.


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