Regents Review Summer '17
The Regents Review Summer 2017
Regents Park is really proud to present awards to our Year 10’s for their achievements.
Senior Prefects Aleksandra Koperkiewicz Angelika Szumlak Ben Oak Charlotte Hacker Nathan Stark
James Alexandre
Denis Dimitrov ICT Steve Johnson ICT Anisha Keeys L&T Katie Lu L&T Natalia Krupnik L&T Alice Simms Maths Rea Batten Maths Misbah Ahmed Media Maths Alex Keith
Sukhveer Kaur Zuhra Aryayee Mason Jackson Maizie Butler Bobbie Miah Rosie O’Shea Dan Gower Khudeja Begum
Elwira Kilichowska
Maddison McGregor- Ritchie Tom Kearns
Chloe Newmeir
Samuel Shelley Art Mollie Knight B&E Sukhveer Kaur B&E
Media Music
They have already begun their duties, assisting in Whole School Events such as the Year 11 Leaver’s Assembly, Transition Day and the School Fete. We look forward to supporting them, as they continue their hard work into Year 11. I would like to personally thank all Year 10 tutors, student, parents and the amazing Mrs Jarvis for their fantastic support as I have been Head of Year this term. It has been a thoroughly enjoyable term (even with a broken foot!) and I wish Year 10 all the best as they complete their final year of studies at Regents Park. I hope you all have a relaxing summer break!
Charlie Radford
Abigail Roberts Music Skyla Park Music Thomas Cox PE Samuel Bell PE
Angelika Szumlak
Maizie Butler Dance Jade McComb Dance Charlotte Hacker Dance Samuel Lacey Drama Nicole Spiteri Drama Angel Freeman Drama Alice Simms English Awab Abbasi English Suraj Sarker English Khudeja Begum French Alex Nutt French Maison Brindley- Dymott French Kristian Torres Geography Mason Jackson Geography Daniel Gower Geography Millie Dowse History Aleksandra Koperkiewicz History Rahul Thakker History
Joeseph Horsfall Louie Batchelor
Adrian-Gabriel Neagoe Solonya Cunningham
Toby Norton RE Brodie Burch RE Marcus Moran RE
Isabel Brewer Science Zuhra Aryayee Science Jakub S Science Kirsty Holloway Technology Ivan Alves Technology Molly Tracey Technology Rohan Thakker Commitment Award Amy Hudson Improvement Award
Miss Kingswell Head of Year 10
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