Regents Review Summer '17
The Regents Review Summer 2017
Year 9
WOW! What can I say, this year has been an amazing. They have worked together to achieve such great things yet again this year. We have been involved in many competitions around the school, including ‘Busta Rhymes’ with Miss Reed. Many students have taken on responsibility as department prefects and we have two sets of prefects from Year 9 going into Year 10 this year. Rock Challenge and the school production were huge successes once again this year, with many stand out performances from Year 9, I hope this continues in Year 10. We have added many new students into our year over the past months who have settled in very well, this has been a nice opportunity for students to mix with new peers from far and wide.
I am really proud of Year 9 for pushing through and continuing to break boundaries along the way, developing their personalities and their independence. Next year shows a massive change in this education, the start of Key Stage 4 and their options as one, but their work experience time will be coming up, alongside their Year 10 exams. X Factor was an amazing success with so many students involved from Year 9. Well done for all their hard work and dedication. It is amazing to have 16 students still on 100% attendance this year. They are as follows: Mia Breedon, David Brown, Emily Curry, Ellie Heath, Lewis Jones, Deveena Khela, Lewis Nott, Cathy Owens, Eveyln Pybus, Isabella
Richardson, Ranjet Singh, Edit Smith, Kacper Szafraniec, Joshua Thomas, Charlotte Webb, Annmarie Wilcox. Well done to all of these students. Speaking of work experience, if your work place is able to offer some support for work experience, please do let us know as there are always students looking for opportunities, Mrs Smith will be only too happy to speak with you about it. I really would like to wish all students and families, a happy healthy holiday and look forward to seeing you in Year 10.
Miss Bishop Head of Year 9
Year 9 Student Leaders Creative Arts 2017-18 Art Jessica Leonard Drama
Heads of Year 9 College Council
As the Heads of Year 9 College Council we would like to tell you a bit more about our year. At the start of the year some students who want to be part of the police force or within the police line of work, went on a takeover day to Redbridge Police Station. We also had a school trip to Lille (France) and had a great Christmas break. Students went on a DT competition trip to Romsey Rotary Club. Rock Challenge was amazing this year, as we won the heats but unfortunately didn’t place. Our whole year have enjoyed Sports Day and we cannot wait to go into Year 10.
Mason Baddams Lauren Leckenby Music Vickie Andrews Mitzi Kirkham Photography George Collins
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