Regents Review Summer '17
The Regents Review Summer 2017
Year 8 Another year is upon us, scary to think how time has flown. This year has been dominated by choosing options to study in Year 9. This is a new step for all subjects going to a 3 year Key Stage 4. Students have demonstrated maturity in their choices with an understanding of how their further studies can lead to career choices. I am excited by this change and I look forward to observing dedicated and motivated students making progress along their chosen path. Year 8 students have had an amazing opportunity to extend their learning and enjoyment through trips to Battlefields, War Museum, Cadbury World and Amsterdam. All trips have been well attended and enjoyed by all. I urge all students and parents to continue to attend as many trips as possible next year. Learning outside the classroom with these experiences gives a real and new learning perspective and most importantly it plays a pivotal role in enhancing classroom based learning. As a Head of Year, every day I discover the talents of our year group such as music and singing which takes place adjacent to the PE office. Not many offices can boast live music to work to! I am constantly learning from students with regards to computing skills and it evident that our young people will increasingly need these skills in their future work place. In addition I love hearing about students performing in sports competitions at weekends. I wish you all a restful summer holiday and I look forward to seeing you in September starting your GCSEs.
Mr Sinclair Head of Year 8
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