Regents Review Summer '17
The Regents Review Summer 2017
Miss Jones and two Year 11 pupils, Jess Crouch and Tayla Drodge, were invited to lunch with the Southampton West Rotary Club at The Concorde Club in Eastleigh. The Rotary Club generously donate money each year towards the school’s Rock Challenge performance and we took along some of the costumes and props that volunteers had made with their financial support. We also showed them the DVD of our winning performance in the Southampton heat back in February. The members were suitably impressed with the
quality of the choreography, lighting and costumes!
We gained a valuable insight into the wonderful charitable work of The Rotary club, chatted to its members and took a photo with the club’s President, Mr Grayson Williams, with one of Room 101’s nightmare spiders! We look forward to continuing this collaboration with The Rotary Club and to welcoming its members to future school events.
Trainee Teachers It was with a great deal of sadness that we said goodbye to our trainee teachers at the end of June. Mark Baseley (Science), Laura Ebblewhite (History) Jasmine Fison (English), Bill Furie (Geography), Pauline Genevet (MFL) Ruth Mc Clure (Art), Gill Tavender (English) and Lily Thorpe (Science) all made excellent progress over the course of the year and showed passion and commitment towards their chosen profession. It was a pleasure to see such sustained professionalism and enthusiasm over the course of the year. All trainees immersed themselves fully within the life of school including running extra- curricular clubs, supporting with revision workshops and sports clubs, assisting with Rock Challenge and participating in the charity fund raising quiz. All trainee teachers have been successful in securing NQT positions at a number of schools in Southampton (including Regents Park), Hampshire and beyond. This bears testimony to the expertise and dedication of the curriculum mentor team at Regents Park and their commitment to nurturing raw talent. I am delighted that Laura Ebblewhite, Jasmine Fison and Gill Tavender have been appointed to NQT positions in history and English at Regents Park.
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