Regents Review Spring '16
The Regents Review Spring 2016
Departmental News
Science Year 11 revision
Science Museum trip We had a fantastic time taking Year 8 students to the Science Museum last November. Students watched an IMAX movie about the future of robots, explored the museum, and of course, explored the gift shop too!
As mentioned in the last edition of the Regents Review, we have continued with a good turnout at our Science breakfast club. Starting at 7.45 on Wednesdays, students have been arriving to get some breakfast and work with staff and students from the University of Southampton to revise key concepts ready for the exams in May and June. Last year, Mrs Porter and Miss Crowe issued loyalty cards for our revision sessions. For those students with their cards full of signatures for attending breakfast club – our badges have arrived! Take your loyalty card to Mrs Gould in S2 to collect your amazing Science badge. If you haven’t yet made it to one of our breakfast club sessions, pop along next week! Also available for Year 11 students is our revision club on Thursdays after school. Every week, a member of the Science team has an hour reserved for working with Year 11 students. Come along for general revision, ready for the exam, or if you have a key concept that you would like some help with! Staffing At Christmas, the Science Department said goodbye to Mrs Porter and Miss Crowe as they moved onto new endeavours. We welcome Mr Grainey who has joined us as Assistant Curriculum Leader for Science, with a main focus on Key Stage 4. Mrs Griffiths is now acting Curriculum Leader for Science. Science week We will be celebrating British Science week at Regents Park again this year during 14-18th March. Students will have the chance to carry out a range of exciting experiments during lessons and lunchtimes. These include: firing trebuchets; exploding film canisters; investigating the colourful creations caused by sweets and chemicals; forensic analysis of crime scenes; investigating the viscosity of fluids… and many more! Also, as part of this activity week, tutor groups will compete to create super speedy cars and watch them race to the finish line!
Winchester Science Centre trip Miss Cooper has arranged a very exciting opportunity for Year 7 students to visit Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium on 17th March. Students will be able to take part in K’Nex building challenge, watch a show in the Planetarium and get hands-on whilst exploring the museum. We look forward to sharing photos in the next edition of the Regents Review! Science Club In Science Club this term, our amazing students have been hard at work creating structures and bridges with only sweets or chocolate as materials. With the help of volunteers from the University of Southampton, students also designed and raced their own cars (powered by balloons), inspired by the record breaking Bloodhound Supersonic Car. Students had great success with their balloon rockets. Students have also been inspecting and making fossils, as well as completing a tomato challenge whereby students competed to create the best (and least messy!) transportation for the tomatoes. Science club continues to run every Wednesday 2.40-3.40, led by Miss Groves – come and give it a go!
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