Regents Review Spring '16
The Regents Review Spring 2016
Departmental News
Humanities History Last term, the History Department took a group of students to watch the film ‘Suffragette’. Mrs Blake had this to share: Having taught this topic for many years I was intrigued when I heard that a film had been made about the cause of ‘Votes for Women.’ I was concerned at how the plight of the suffragettes may be portrayed. My fears were misplaced! This was a film that portrayed the passion of the suffragettes whilst accurately showing the history behind the cause. The cast were excellent in their roles especially Carey Mulligan in the lead role as Maude. Her heart-breaking story
was told with aplomb. There may even be an Oscar nod for her! Overall, I really enjoyed the film and would recommend it highly!
Modern Foreign Languages Spanish trip
French Epiphany The ‘galette des rois’ is a cake traditionally shared at ‘Epiphany’, on 6 January. It celebrates the arrival of the 3 wise men in Bethlehem.
On January 13th, Year 10 Spanish students were invited to attend a show called ‘Primera Cita (Onatti Productions)’ being delivered in Spanish at Taunton's College. They were accompanied by their Spanish teacher, Mrs Jahouel. The students found the experience to be very interactive and exciting as they, as part of the audience, were invited to
Composed of a puff pastry cake, with a small
take part in the show too. Upon returning to school, they all agreed enthusiastically, that it had been an enjoyable trip.
charm, the fève, hidden inside, it is usually filled with frangipane, a cream made from sweet almonds, butter, eggs and sugar.
To celebrate ‘Epiphany’, Mrs Loubier baked quite a number of galettes allowing students to have a taste of this traditional cake and the experience of becoming the king or the queen of the day. The winners got to escape the weekly spelling test to their great pleasure!
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