GCSE Textile Design
Curriculum Leader:
Mr D Strange
Examination Board:
Assessment Requirements:
Component 1 – Portfolio (No Time Limit) 60% of GCSE
Component 2 – Externally Set Assignment – Preparatory work leading to a 10 Hour
supervised practical session creating a product 40 % of GCSE
Course Outline:
Textiles Design is fundamentally an art based course that specialises and focusses on
students creating designs ideas and pieces with a textiles focus. Students will build on
existing skills they have learned in KS3 Design Technology Textiles and use these to
focus on skills and techniques they can adopt within their portfolio and apply within the
externally set assignment. Areas of study include:
Art textiles
Fashion design and illustration
Costume design
Constructed textiles
Printed and dyed textiles
Surface pattern
Stitched and/or embellished textiles
Soft furnishings and/or textiles for interiors
Digital textiles
Installed textiles
Component 1 and 2 will assess and measure students in their ability to meet the following
Develop Ideas through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of
Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting appropriate media,
materials, techniques and processes
Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses
Present a purposeful and meaningful response that realises intentions and
demonstrates understanding of visual language
Students will need to be effective self-managers of time and resources. They will need to
be effective at working towards deadlines and be motivated by longer project based work.
Learners should be resilient, reflective, resourceful, patient and creative. Students will be
expected to be responsible in managing their own and others’ health and safety in using
equipment and resources. Research, homework and a commitment to making the most of
class and extra-curricular opportunities is essential to being successful in this qualification.
Career Opportunities:
This course would provide a useful foundation for those who are interested in following
careers: Fashion design, Art, Teaching, Textiles industries and Manufacturing, Costume
design/making, Theatre /prop/ set making and many more.