KS4 Curriculum Booklet 2017 - 18
Curriculum Overview KS3
Subject: Business Studies Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017
3.5 Marketing Teach before: 3.6 Finance Teach after: 3.4 Influences on business
3.5.1 Identifying and understanding customers
Specification content
Learning objectives
Additional guidance
Suggested timing (hours)
Learning activities and resources
The importance of identifying and satisfying customer needs
Starter – show video clip about Cadbury from Evan Davis Business Nightmares – students to identify why Cadbury suffered due to their decision over raising money for sports equipment – didn’t understand their market and customer needs. Show Dragons' Den clip – students to discuss whether the entrepreneurs have identified their customers and satisfied their needs with the product. Why did Nokia make the N-Gage phone ? Was this a good decision? Compare the Nokia situation with the launch of the Apple iPhone in 2007. Why was Apple more successful? Students to brainstorm reasons for identifying and satisfying customer needs.
To understand the importance of identifying and satisfying customer needs.
Reasons for identifying and satisfying customer needs include to provide a product or service that customers will buy, to increase sales, to select the correct marketing mix, to avoid costly mistakes and to be competitive.
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