KS4 Curriculum Booklet 2017 - 18
Curriculum Overview KS3
Subject: Business Studies Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017
To understand the risks businesses face and the reasons why all businesses face uncertainty. To understand the reason why entrepreneurs embark on running businesses and the activities businesses can undertake to minimise risks.
Starter – show video of TV show Golden Balls – illustrates that no one can predict what actions others will take. Show Dr ag ons’ Den – iTeddy – tudents to list the main risks that the business face. Students to identify risks in terms of functional areas, eg finance – interest rates increase and so business loans become more expensive. Pair work – for each risk identified students to generate ideas of how to deal with the issue faced. Show video of Business Nightmares (Apple) Recap objectives of entrepreneurs and highlight success stories to help illustrate reasons entrepreneurs embark on running businesses – clips from documentary about Facebook at YouTube or time.com
Uncertainty and risks businesses face
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