KS4 Curriculum Booklet 2017 - 18
Curriculum Overview KS3
Subject: Business Studies Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017
3.5.3 The purpose and methods of market research
Suggested timing (hours)
Learning activities and resources
Specification content
Learning objectives
Additional guidance
Reasons for conducting market research include to identify market opportunities and to get a better insight into their customers and competitors. Market research collects information about demand, competition and the target market. Methods include questionnaires, surveys, interviews and focus groups.
Starter – BBC Bitesize video on market research Teacher led explanation and definition of market research.
To understand why businesses conduct market research. To understand the types of information collected in market research.
Purpose of market research
Students imagine they are the leader of Nintendo – what five pieces of information would you want to find out to help your decision making. Students should explain why they have chosen this information. References – BBC Bitesize webpage on market research Tutor2u webpage on market research Students discuss the benefits gained by businesses through conducting market research – discussion based on knowledge gained in previous lessons. Teacher led definition of primary research. Students brainstorm the methods businesses could use to collect primary data. Begin a marketing task in creating a new non-alcoholic drink or chocolate bar. Students create a questionnaire to help make product decisions, eg research what ingredients customers would want in their chocolate bar. Students should then circulate around the classroom collecting information for their questionnaires.
To understand the meaning of primary market research and the methods used to collect primary data.
Methods of market research
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