Regents Review Summer 2019-20
Staff Lockdown Video
Artwork Examples
Paris 2020
Super Stan
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The Regents Review Summer 2020
WELCOME Headteacher’s Welcome
share her passion for Teaching and Learning. Mrs Flynn is an inspiring art teacher and over her 17 years at RPCC she has encouraged many students to continue their interest in art at College and beyond. Thank you to all of you for the support you have given to the staff and students during your time at the school. The RPCC leadership team is also due to change as two members of the team retire. However, you will still see them around the school site because they still want more time to support our school. We are delighted that these two crucial members of staff will remain with us for some time yet! Both Mr Brown and Mrs Cosford have been at the school for many years between them and have motivated thousands of students and encouraged hundreds of staff members. I am so grateful for the privilege of working closely with them both and it is great news that Mrs Cosford will be working in the English department for the next year and Mr Brown will support Year 11 intervention work. We will welcome several new members of staff to the school in September. Miss Chegwidden will be joining the Maths department, Mr Timmis will join the Science department, Miss Gilbert-Twigg and Mr Russell will join the RE department, Mrs Mouland will join the MFL department, Miss Stanness-Witcher and Mrs Timmis will join the Creative Arts team and Miss Murphy will join the Geography department. All our new members of the RPCC team have been in regular contact with their departments and are very excited to join the school in September. This year has been very different and next year will be different again but the RPCC team has shown not only passion and care for the whole school community but an exceptional level of resilience. We know that whatever we have to deal with we can and that dealing with it makes us stronger as a result of the challenge. Enjoy reading and celebrating this addition of our Regents Review and have a safe and restful summer. I look forward to welcoming students, staff and parents back to the school in September. Mrs Barnes Headteacher
The Summer edition of the Regents Review is always the most difficult one to write and put together as it always involves saying goodbye to another year group and to colleagues as they move on to pastures new. But this year, we did debate if we would have enough to fill an edition full of interesting and fun articles for you to read and if the pandemic might make our Summer edition just too challenging to put together. However, as you will see we did not need to worry! Regents Park has continued to excel with rewards, outstanding work, positive news and much much more. I am so proud of our school community and how we have all dealt with a very different end to the year. Parents have risen to the challenge of supporting their children at home, staff that have found new ways to engage and teach their classes and of course the students have embraced new ways of learning and communicating. As we get ready to enter the summer break I would like to take the opportunity to thank the staff who will be leaving us this year. From the LSA team thank you to Ms Estrems-Garcia who is returning to Spain and Mrs Tothne Guczogi, who has been inspired by the Maths department and will be taking up a new role as Maths teacher in September. As you will see later on in the Regents Review the Humanities team will say farewell to two members of their team who are moving on to experience other schools. Thank you to Miss Hayward and Miss Matthews. Thank you also to Mrs Beard who has been teaching in the languages department over the last few terms covering Mrs Sturdy’s maternity leave. We look forward to welcoming Mrs Sturdy back in September. Additionally, it is with sadness that I thank some long standing members of our teaching team. Miss Ruberry will be very missed as she moves on to another Southampton School. Miss Ruberry returned to RPCC several years ago and led the alternative provision before joining the Maths team where she has successfully led the Key Stage 3 curriculum. Mrs Griffiths has also been at RPCC for many years and as a member of the Science team she has enhanced the Key Stage 3 curriculum. Mrs Griffiths is leaving us to become a Lead Practioner, the perfect post for her to
The Regents Review Summer 2020
Sparsholt College Sparsholt have been sending work to one of our students, Grace through their Moodle site, similar to Google Classroom. She has been working on Animal Health, Nutrition and Care for her Diploma. She has very much enjoyed looking for information and pictures, crafting Powerpoints and leaflets about what she has learned and studied during lockdown, but as many students are - anxious to get back to it!
Grace has also been working hard behind the scenes on her art work.
RNLI Water Safety Message As a Local Authority in the South East Region, I am writing to you from the RNLI about our new education resources. This summer, our Lifeguards cannot be on every beach, meaning a heightened water safety risk to beach goers. We are asking you to help us share some important messages to children and their families. We are asking you in partnership to support us in spreading the water safety message. For more information, please visit their website at: home
The Regents Review Summer 2020
RPCC Teaching & Learning Blog
There is no more Teaching & Learning Bulletin... instead, something a little bit more exciting! It has been remodelled! Our new T&L Blog will feature information on all of the collaborative work, pedagogy discussions, events and research that the bulletin did, just in a brand new form - we’re all grown up! Follow us, like us and subscribe or just have a read each time it is updated! We really hope you enjoy it and are reassured that we continue to celebrate the amazing T&L that goes on every day at RPCC! Year 11 Exam Grades Update We are inviting Year 11s to come into school to collect their results. Students will be asked to come in three bands at the following times based on the first letter of their surname: A – C Please arrive between 9:00am – 9:30am D – F Please arrive between 9:30am – 10:00am G – J Please arrive between 10:00am – 10:30am K – N Please arrive between 10:30am – 11:00am O – S Please arrive between 11:00am – 11:30 am T – Z Please arrive between 11:30am – 12:00pm • Unfortunately, parents will not be able to accompany you into school. • There will be a socially distanced queue to pick up results. • We will supply you with information as to where you can access next steps in regards Post-16 education. • Results will be available from main reception. • On the day we will not be able to deal with queries about results, but will supply you with information about how to raise any queries you may have. As always any results that are not picked up on the day will be posted home. We will also not be able to hand out results to any third part on the day, even with a letter or permission.
Year 11 Prom Our Year 11 Prom has been rescheduled to Thursday 17th December. Arrival time is between 6.00pm - 7.00pm and the party finishes at at 11.00pm. We look forward to this day to celebrate our Year 11s time at school and so that students can see their friends and teachers one last time.
The Regents Review Summer 2020
Year 6 Work Year 6s are also starting to make a positive impression, with students already logging onto Google Classroom. A special mention goes to Umar for being the first Year 6 student to complete and submit a piece of work online. We have consulted Year 6 parents about transition and within a day of posting the questionnaire, we
had 100 responses, so it seems that it’s not just the Year 6s who are keen to complete their homework. Parents commented that their children were looking forward to Regents Park but naturally some are a little nervous. They needn’t worry as they will have the school to themselves for two days when the new term starts in September and an engaging and supportive programme has been organised for these days.
No Limits Service Update How can a young person, or someone concerned about a young person, access support from No Limits? You can telephone: 02380 224 224 or go to www. k to use the webchat. Email: A youth worker is available to provide support during the following hours: Monday: 10am - 5pm Tuesday: 10am - 5pm Wednesday: 1.30pm - 8pm Thursday: 10am - 8pm Friday: 10am - 5pm Saturday: 10am - 1.30pm
Library If there is one thing Mrs
@RPCC_Library , make sure to give her a follow! Ms Bradley has just recently joined the RPCC library and she has also put together some challenges for you to do. ‘Wednesday Word Fun’ can be found on our school website which includes puzzles to challenge your brain. See if you can work out the Rebus puzzles, then check to see how many you guessed right. Be creative - see if you can work out any new puzzles yourself.
Highmore has missed whilst on maternity-leave, it’s the Friday quiz! Even though she hasn’t been able to host in person for you, she really wanted to get back to quizzing. She has kindly put together quizzes that you can download every Friday on our school website. These can be shared to friends and family so they can play along too. Mrs Highmore will also be sharing resources and news on the brand new library twitter account:
The Regents Review Summer 2020
PSHE & Careers
Investor in Careers Award
Regents Park gains Super User status on Career Pilot for 3 years running! is-your-school-college-ready-to-be-a-super-user/ schools-colleges-that-have-achieved-super-user- status-2019-20 We are proud to announce that our students are super users of the Careers Pilot website for the third year in a row! In order to meet the criteria, we have promoted the careers resource among students and parents and have over 100 students signed up and active. If you haven’t already used their excellent information and tools for 11-19 year olds, you can do so here: uk/ and for further careers information from Regents Park, please see our careers pages: curriculum/careers/
Regents Park Community College has become the first school in Southampton to be awarded with the prestigious ‘Investor in Careers Award’, demonstrating their commitment to high quality careersmeducation, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG). This achievement is recognition of raising aspirations of all students and giving them the opportunity to meet those aspirations through diverse and well-organised careers activities.
Careers Resources for Year 10 As the Year 10s come ever closer to entering their final year of school, they should be researching and planning which route they would like to take when they leave Regents Park. This might be attending college full-time to take A-Levels and / or technical / vocational / applied qualifications or they might prefer a work-based apprenticeship or traineeship.
Besides the one-to-one careers appointments that all of our Year 10 students will be provided with in the Autumn, we have also added a variety of careers resources on the Year 10 team Google Classroom. This is so that they can explore these different routes and post-16 providers, as well as the careers these might lead to. Currently there are a number of videos and links to college websites and there will be an accompanying Loom video, guiding the students on how to research. From September onwards, there will be more focus on different areas of work in
industries such as IT, construction, healthcare and more. We recently completed a survey amongst the year group which has given us an indication of what we should cover, but any further suggestions would be welcomed so that the careers education, information, advice and guidance is as personal as possible. The websites listed on the careers section of the school website are also great starting points. Happy researching! Google Classroom Code: pbhxhbw
The Regents Review Summer 2020
RPCC Staff Lockdown Video
Roll of Honour We have had great pleasure contacting parents & guardians to inform them that their child has been nominated by their class teacher for submitting outstanding work. This is a great achievement as there are only two representatives from each class, which goes to show the great effort they have recently put in to their studies at home during this difficult time. Students were awarded with a certificate and had their name showcased on our one-of-a- kind celebratory video, which was shared to our social media channels. A link to our Roll of Honour video can be found here: https://www.
If you have not seen it yet - staff created a very special lockdown video with a heartfelt message for all students at Regents Park Community College. You can watch the video here: https://www. Lockdown Challenges Regents Park is proud to be supporting the NHS. A big thank you to Mr Brown for organising our Lockdown Challenges and fundraising page. Not only did we have some fun, but we managed to raise £420 for Southampton’s NHS Heroes.
Banging Brunches One Year 8 student, Stanley, has not only been perfecting his own cookery skills during the school shutdown but has taken to YouTube to teach the rest of us how to do it. A recent episode was so inspiring that Mr Brown tried the recipe himself. We wish our very own Jamie Oliver – that’s Stanley and not Mr Brown – the best of luck with his cookery lessons!
The Regents Review Summer 2020
Year 7 As we finish our first year at Regents Park and Year 7 become Year 8, it’s a wonderful time to reflect upon our time and to also say thank you to you, the parents for all your wonderful words of support for the school and the team throughout lockdown. I am immensely proud of my wonderful Year team, students and staff who have continued to support Year 7 as we moved towards a ‘new normal’. In February, we started focusing on being ‘Year 8 ready’ and on reflection, we are so glad we did. As we moved into lockdown we quickly set up a whole year group Google Classroom and we have, as a team, enjoyed setting challenges, speaking to the students and creating fun quizzes for all students to be involved with. Tutors have thoroughly enjoyed their telephone calls with students, getting updates on what students have been up to: baking, cycling, redecorating and more! Students have been very busy. Below just shows the incredible students we have in Year 7 here at Regents Park. As you’ll see in this review there have been so many amazing pieces of work completed by Year 7 over this period of lockdown. We hope this will continue into Year 8. These students have 100% attendance and zero behaviour
Isabella Imogen
Georgia Ahmad Oskar Pandaree Robyn Ella Jamie Ernest Jack Willow Layla Jack Eddie Lola
Tyler Mina Jack
Milosz James Stanley Faith Ethan
Belle Ruby Lucy Zero Behaviour Points:
Imogen Adarsh Mailie Ruby Millie Hanna Sean Harvey Faith Connie Ethan Lucy Leo Benjamin Whitlee Top 15 Achievement Points
Shannon Julia Sophia Oscar Nadia Eren Owen Charlotte Zahira Isabella Tyler Alysha Lucy Lilly Eve Isaac Lewis Martyna Stanley Isobelle Inaaya Salvo Milosz
points. This is absolutely incredible and amazing: 100% Attendance
Shannon Julia
Charan Sophie Sophia Oscar Grace Neil Oliwia
Connie Nadia Lucy Zahira Oscar
Lottie James
The Regents Review Summer 2020
access museums and trips. We have also completed an individual questionnaire for the students to compete. I look forward to working more on this next year. I would like to wish you a happy and healthy summer holidays, I hope you all get an opportunity to take time and relax. Myself and the Year 7 team look forward to seeing you all in September. Mrs Bishop Head of Year 7
Nadia Eren Casey-Lou Owen Jack
Recently, College Council have been taking part in ownership of the time. They have enjoyed finding out about our cultural capital outside of school and have created a Wordle based on all the amazing activities Year 7 do outside of school. We have over 70 students involved in activities.
We have continued working on our Year 7s cultural capital online. We have worked with different departments and looked at how virtually we would be able to
Mr Brown After over 20 years starting as a supply teacher, teaching in the MFL and B&E teams and ending with a data role on the LT team, it’s time for me to call it a day. The educational visits with my business and leisure and tourism classes, overseas trips to German and French markets and introducing students to skiing have to be the highlights. Let’s hope I have inspired some of our young people to be linguists and entrepreneurs or at least to have the ambition to travel and see the world. Thanks to staff and students, past and present for the wonderful memories.
Year 8
(I know you lot love a quote from The Rock!)
YEAR 8! What a crazy year this has been! I know that this has been a very difficult and scary time for us all at RPCC and I know you guys must be feeling unsure of what Regents Park will look like in September. I am here to say that I cannot wait to see all of you in September, and as we move into Year 9 (our GCSE year) I hope that you have all used the time well over these last few months to continue learning, both inside and outside the classroom constraints. I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing a handful of you over the course of our meetings recently and hearing how amazing you are all doing at home through our weekly phone calls. Have a productive and restful Summer holidays and continue to be the best year group in the school! Mr Stone Head of Year 8
(I know you lot love a quote from The Rock!)
The Regents Review Summer 2020
Year 9
Well as you can imagine, this is not exactly how I pictured ending my first academic year as your Head of Year! Needless to say, I’ve really enjoyed getting to speak to so many of you, your parents and other family members over the course of lockdown and hearing about some of the things you have learnt, from laying turf in the garden and cooking spaghetti bolognese from scratch to all your home learning activities. I would like to take this opportunity again to say a huge well done to the vast majority of students that have engaged with work in a mature manner whether this be on Google Classroom or a work pack. I am very proud to see so many students from our year group that have been nominated for numerous awards, as well as the beautifully presented pieces of work that have been showcased on Twitter.
Finally, I hope you and your families have an enjoyable, relaxing and safe summer holidays and I am very much looking forward to seeing you all in September. Miss Grassie Head of Year 9
Year 10 It has been a very strange end to Year 10 and I cannot believe we will be starting September as the oldest year group in the school. I remember my first assembly in Year 8 when I joined the school and I spoke about our journey towards our GCSE’s. Time goes too quickly! Over the last term, students have shown their resilience and showed excellent engagement in home learning producing work of the highest quality. It has been lovely to catch up with students and I know I speak for every member of staff when we say it was brilliant to see them all again for their IAG appointments - even if lots are now taller than me!
It has been lovely to see the development of all students and it was amazing to interview students for Senior Student Leadership positions this half term. All interviews were fantastic, and students gave brilliant ideas in ways of pushing Regents Park to the next level. Congratulations to the following who were assigned the following positions. Head Girl – Ashleigh M Head Boy – George J Deputy Head Girls – Lydia B & Sophie M Deputy Head Boys – Jonny N & Alex G Senior Prefects – Lydia W, Eleanor G, Sahanaj B & Sam P
I cannot wait to see the work begin in September in implementing their ideas and creating their own legacy on Regents Park. We cannot wait to see the rest of Year 10 in September, where students will have a new tutor time created around pastoral care and intervention to support the last part of their Regents Park Journey. It will be lovely to have
you all back in classrooms. Have an amazing summer
holidays! Mr Gates Head of Year 10
The Regents Review Summer 2020
Year 11 Year 11,
and I know in years to come students will look back at their time at Regents Park with fondness. We have a very talented Year group in the arts, with so many of student’s represented in talent shows and college productions, which I hope they continue with moving forward, “go break a leg!” Mrs Jarvis and I have been trying to rearrange the Prom to celebrate our time at Regents Park together. The new date is 17th December. Whilst I say goodbye and cohort 2015 disappears into the distance to begin their new adventures, for me I will begin to lead another year group arriving in September which I am truly looking forward to. I wish all Year 11 students the very best for the future and it would be great to hear how you are getting on from time to time. Stay safe, Mr Sinclair Head of Year 11
It is with great sadness that I write my goodbye’s and wishes of good luck for the future. The last day in school back in March, which seems a lifetime ago, was quite a surreal moment, delivering an assembly I thought I had a month to plan for and not 2 hours. The news that Year 11s were not going to sit their final exams which they had worked so hard was a devastating blow, but as time has passed speaking with students they have come to terms with the decision given the circumstances. It is great to hear that students are now focussing on and looking forward to their the future studies at college. When I look back at photos taken in Year 7 and some from summer school before the September it reminds me of how much the students have developed, not just in height! It has been an amazing journey and like all journeys’ there is a final destination we are aiming for, but the journey itself is just as important. We have had an amazing time
The Regents Review Summer 2020
GENERAL NEWS School Shutdown
The school may have officially been closed, but that didn’t stop the Regents Park community pulling together to support staff, students and parents. When Headteacher, Mrs Barnes asked for volunteers to supervise students of key workers, she was inundated with offers from teachers, support and site staff. In school, the site team have worked tirelessly to ensure the highest levels of cleanliness and safety, while teachers and support staff have been creative in trying to deliver some active learning using safe distancing teaching methods. Workpacks were copied and distributed to students struggling for resources or internet access. Teachers had digitally set and marked work on Google Classroom as well as many other platforms and the admin team made sure that information was flowing and all stakeholders were kept up to date. More recently, RPCC staff have been able to invite students into school for 30 minute IAG meetings as well as Year 10s coming in for one hour core sessions. This was our first step in a journey towards hopefully reconnecting our Regents Park community in September.
The Regents Review Summer 2020
Super Stan! Stanley started playing his trombone during the first clap for carers at 8pm. The neighbours loved it and asked him to play for longer, so he decided to start playing at 7.30pm and until after the clap. This really helped his neighbourhood come together and entertain everyone, especially those shielding - it is their highlight of their week! After a couple of weeks, he said he would like to raise money for our local hospital, so decided to set up a Just Giving site. One week, Sammy The Hospital Bear came to visit him to say thank you. He has now raised over £740 ( including a donation from Chris Thomas from the Cory band! ) Despite the clap for carers stopping, Stanley continues to do his concerts each week - even in the rain! If you would like to donate, his link is: stansclapforheroes Testlands Community Hub - Summer Provision Following on from the successful Easter provision for key / critical workers, Southampton City Council and Testlands Community Hub have been able to continue to provide similar provision over the summer. Whilst the provision offered from Testlands is available to all families via their website, there is a 50% discount for the children of key / critical workers for the whole 6 weeks. Proof of employment will need to be given via the website to obtain the discount. Testlands have also managed to secure some hot meals for all attendees with their local business partnership.
Saints Summer Programme
NCS Saints Foundation and NCS have teamed up to deliver the ‘Keep Doing Good’ programme this summer for young people in Southampton. ‘Keep Doing Good’ is an amazing opportunity for Year 11 pupils to support Southampton and help tackle community’s issues that already existed or have emerged due to COVID-19. To register, visit SAINTS KICKS Saints Kicks is a programme which looks to engage young people aged 8-18 in positive activity with the aim of reducing anti-social behaviour in the areas it operates. To register, please contact
The Regents Review Summer 2020
Business Manager’s Update Summer Term 2020 Welcome to the summer edition of the Business Manager’s update. The school is continuing to move forward with it’s streamlined communication system. Our website is the hub of all information and where daily school news can be found. • All general letters will be available to view under the parent section on the website. parents/letters/ • Access to Twitter is available from the website so that you can follow the school news or Spencer, our Therapy Dog – use the ‘bird’ icon in the top right hand corner: regentsparkcollege. You can also follow us on our Facebook page for up to date news and information @RegentsParkCC • Access to Tucasi online payment system for school meals, trips etc is also available from the website using the ‘£’ icon in the top right hand corner: regentsparkcollege. • Access to our Parents Evening Booking System is also
Connect4Summer is being hosted at Regents Park this year. Family fun days from 27th July - 25th August. Connect4Summer are also hiring and would like to hear from anyone interested in applying. Please find all relevant documents and how to apply on our school website: connect4summer-programme/
the top right hand corner: regentsparkcommunitycollege. • Calendar – This is updated on a regular basis, with additional events: regentsparkcollege. • Catering / Lunchero - Please visit the City Catering page on our website for information regarding the current school meals menu and also how to download the Lunchero app. parents/school-meals/ • Skoolkit / KoolSkools - Please visit the dress code page on our website for up to date information on our uniform. parents/dress-code/ We welcome feedback from you and this can done in several ways: - Email: info@regentspark. calendar-2020-2021/
- Contact Form via the website details/contact-details/ - Phone: 023 8032 5444 - If you wish to speak to the Headteacher Mrs Barnes, please contact Fiona Hayward, Headteacher’s PA on 023 8072 5711 School Communication Due to the current COVID-19 situation, from September we have amended our school procedures in order to protect our staff and students. Please could we ask, if you wish to speak to a member of staff, to contact the school’s reception in order to book an appointment. We hope you have a lovely summer break and look forward to seeing you in September Carlene Amos Business Manager
available from the website using the ‘family’ icon in
The Regents Review Summer 2020
Tassomai: Throughout the year students in Year 7 and Year 8 have continued to practice their English language skills using Tassomai with units focusing on reading comprehension, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary. Below are our top students for Tassomai for the month of July, logging in every single day to complete their daily goal! Top Year 7 for the Month of July: • Lewis • Whitlee • Belle • Isabella • Julia • Charan • Lucy • Ben
Outstanding work from outstanding students! In English we continue to be amazed by the creativity, imagination, hard work and dedication shown by our students. Here is just a snapshot of the wonderful work that is being submitted on a daily basis. We have showcased work from Year 7 Product Design, Year 9 and Year 10 Shakespeare and Year 10 Media work on TV Crime Drama. All of RPCC’s English teachers want to say a massive thank you to the students who have worked so diligently during these strange times - well done all of you!
• Alfie • Alex • Willow Top Year 8 for the Month of July: • Michael • Danny • Christian • Humza
• Olaf • Mya • Harry • Manipal • Julia • Robbie • Emily
Audiobooks with the English Department Year 7: This term Year 7 have engaged with new technology and shared their love of reading by tuning in daily for the English Department’s reading of The Wizard of Oz by Frank Baum and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol. Every day a new chapter has been released to students using Loom enabling students to both read along with the text, but also gain some “face time” with Mrs. J. Moth and guest reader Mr. Moth. This has been a great way for students to access new fiction texts from home and expand their knowledge of historical texts from the 19th and 20th centuries. “Loved listening - please can we see the pictures” - C Moth “This is great! I really like the pictures. This is much better than the film!” Joshua H
“I really miss English lessons, but I feel much better after watching the videos on Loom” Benjamin D Year 8: This term Year 8 have tuned in to hear a live audiobook series, Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, read by Mrs. J. Moth with guest readings by Mr. Lucas and Miss Fison. Every day a new chapter has been released to students using Loom, enabling students to read along and gain “face time” with members of the English Department. Students have really engaged with this challenging 19th century fictional text, enhancing both their love of reading alongside their practice for more challenging 19th and 20th century texts at GCSE. “I loved the foreshadowing of the treasure chest!” Alexander L
The Regents Review Summer 2020
Year 10 Maths It has been excellent to see Year 10 working so hard with online programmes and virtual learning to maintain their ability, in preparation for their Year 11 GCSE’s. The overwhelming majority of the year group have engaged in this and it has been amazing to post leaderboards each week to celebrate their success. Also, a huge congratulations to Kacper - Year 10 who actually got tweeted by PIXL for being the most engaged student in the country! A remarkable achievement! Well done to all students below and we cannot wait to get you back in to classrooms in September, have an amazing summer!
Socially Distanced Maths Lessons It was great to finally welcome some of our Year 10 students back in to school on 1st July for some socially distanced Maths lessons.
MathsWatch Leaderboard Year 10 Overall Mathswatch Leaderboard (based on questions answered)
Ella - Year 10 Owen - Year Sophie - Year 10 Maria- Year 10 Phoebe- Year 10
PiXL Maths Leaderboard Kacper - Year 10
Sabir - Year 10 Tabbi - Year 10 Ammar - Year 10 Emma - Year 10
The Regents Review Summer 2020
Science Well, what a term it has been! The science team have been working hard to support home learning and we have loved seeing your work and
labs. Every time I am allowed to visit something new have been added. If all goes to plan we should have at least two fully completed bespoke science labs and a new look prep room ready to use in September, with the remaining labs completed short into the new academic year.
communicating with you all over Google Classroom. We have been blown away by some of the creative ways our students have been learning and working, from models
of the solar system to science monopoly. It has been really amazing to see how the students of Regents Park have embraced the changes they have unexpectedly had forced upon us. I have really
I want to take this opportunity to thank the science team, they have been so supportive during this lock down period and I really couldn’t have coped without their efforts. I finally need to take an opportunity to say goodbye to Mrs Griffiths. I can’t really explain
enjoyed our new venture of Loom micro lessons. I was so impressed by the insightful questions asked by our students. It was great for me and the team to learn some new online video
how much support Mrs Griffiths has offered the department, myself and the school during her time at Regents Park. As my Assistant Curriculum Leader, she has been an
invaluable member of staff. She is moving on to become a Lead Practitioner at a Hampshire school. We are really proud of her and she will be very missed. I hope everyone has a restful summer and I look forward to welcoming new teachers and our students to our new-look science department in September.
teaching methods during the lockdown. I’m really proud of all our students’ continued efforts with Tassomai and I was thrilled to see it mentioned so fondly by Year 10s during Magic Moments. It was lovely to welcome two classes of Year 10 students back in to school, for a crash course in biology, chemistry and physics. These sessions have been designed to recap the key fundamental ideas before students return in September. I know Year 10s will be anxious about returning to school, but I really want them to know that we have plenty of time to get prepared for their exams. It will be hard work and will take determination from every student and teachers alike, I know we can all rise to this challenge together. I have been popping in and out of school and I am starting to get very excited about our new science
The Regents Review Summer 2020
ICT We had a busy summer term with some students working hard on their assignments set on Google Classroom. We have some interesting topics and students have been engaged with them since half term. KS3 Year 7 have been practising their skills at an iMedia taster task to create a promotional material for a film called “Epic Adventure”. Students get to decide on their own story, create spider diagrams and mood boards for their film and find suitable images online. They then, moved on to edit their images and create a poster for the film. Year 8 have been working on technology trends and how it affects their lives. They researched their chosen technology and went on to create a timeline for its development. They also researched the ethical, legal and social effects of the technology. They will soon be looking at the environmental effects and what does the future hold. We are also encouraging Year 8 students who have chosen creative iMedia or Computer Science to attempt the taster tasks on Google Classroom to make them confident they have chosen the right option for them.
answer all the questions correctly to be able to escape, and every time they answer a question incorrectly, they will have to start all over again. Students have been having fun partaking and letting us know how many times it took them to escape. Some fun activities will also be set for the summer holiday for both subjects in KS4 if students want to keep busy during the holiday. Stay safe at home and online and remember all the e-safety tips you have studied.
KS4 KS4 Creative iMeda students have been busy completing the research tasks on the city of Southampton in preparation for their coursework in the autumn term. KS4 Computer Science students have been practising their knowledge answering multiple choice questions for the different topics they have studied. More recently, we have issued an ‘escape room’ type of activity for both iMedia and Computer Science students, to test their knowledge. Students need to
The Regents Review Summer 2020
Photography Some fantastic photography work from our students during lockdown.
Creative Arts During ‘Lockdown’ the Creative Arts & DT department have been busy setting and marking exciting tasks for students to complete. Lots of students have created AMAZING pieces of work, which we have tweeted and shared. The next few pages are just some of the examples of the hard work and creativity from our fantastic students:
Set and Costume design by Katie - Year 8
The Regents Review Summer 2020
Dance Work Examples
Hospitality & Catering
T he Hospitality & Catering classes have been remembering that healthy eating is so very important during this period and have been making dishes that listen to three pieces of government advice on this: • The Eatwell Guide • 8 Tips For Healthy Eating • 5-a-day Campaign They have been researching healthy eating and understanding what specific nutrients do in our bodies. The students have done us proud by carrying on their excellent practical efforts at home. Here are some examples of some of the practical dishes they have made. Look how professional their plates look and adding a well presented garnish not only increases your vegetable intake, it also enhances the appearance of their work.
The Regents Review Summer 2020
Year 7 Graphics- illuminated Letters
Music Here is an example of Freddie’s music work in Year 7. A big well done to Freddie for his time signature work. 4/4 Time Signature:
Year 8 Virtual Art Work
3/4 Time Signature:
6/8 Time Signature:
Year 7 Virtual Art Work
Year 8 Virtual DT Work
The Regents Review Summer 2020
Year 10 Virtual Textiles Students have been researching for their independent project: Looking at artists, fabric painting, experimenting with pattern making Apps.
Year 10 GCSE Art Students have been Completing their ‘I, Me, Mine’ project and researching for their final independent project: Looking at artists, observational drawings, experimenting with media.
The Regents Review Summer 2020
DEPARTMENTAL NEWS Humanities Water Cycles
During Lockdown, KS3 Geography students have been revisiting the water cycle and were tasked with creating exciting models of the cycle using food bags! As the pictures show, some students did an amazing job at creating these models!
Farewells It is with sadness we bid a fond farewell to Miss Hayward and Miss Matthews who are leaving us for pastures new. We wish them every success as they embark on their new challenges. They have both been a big part of the team over the last few years and will be sorely missed by us all.
Lockdown Quizzes Lockdown meant that the Humanities team had to work remotely and therefore could not spend time together everyday like we normally do! So, Miss Hayward came up with a great idea for us to spend time together - a traditional pub quiz over Zoom! So every Tuesday throughout Lockdown we have ‘got together’ and taken part in a quiz! We each took it in turns to set the questions and the competition was fierce between us all - but especially between Mrs O’Brien and Mrs Blake! This was a such a nice way to keep in touch and relieve the Lockdown monotony!
American Presidents KS3 history students have been studying the American Presidents of the 20th Century. They were tasked to create their own version of Mount Rushmore with some excellent results!
The Regents Review Summer 2020
Year 7 GB Posters Year 7 have spent their lock down learning about 10 Great British people and have created some excellent posters to show off their favourite! Some interesting choices made.
Physical Education
I hope when reading this you and your families are in good health. What a strange year! Since lockdown started we hope you have been enjoying the daily workout and well-being activities that have been posted on the school website and Google Classroom. We also hope that you have enjoyed our first ever ‘Virtual Sports Day’. The vision was that this event would once again prove a unifying event for the whole school community, albeit from approximately 900 domestic settings, and once again prove just how effectively sport can bring people together. From the feedback, students and their families at IAG appointments and during phone calls, it sounds like many have thoroughly enjoyed this personal - and household challenge and are looking
forward to seeing which learning community has been victorious in our first ever Virtual Sports Day. Before lockdown we had some fantastic success both during intra and inter school competitions. The PE Champions held a brilliant week where students from different tutor groups competed against one another in a variety of sports including: table tennis, football, netball and water polo, with Rowling coming out on top. Our Year 8 boys football team were crowned league champions beating Upper Shirley High by 6 points. All our other teams competed brilliantly, were a credit to themselves and the school and we hope to see more competitive sport next year. We look forward to presenting them with their medals and the trophy. We currently have an exciting
opportunity for our current Year 8 students which was launched on the Year 8 Google Classroom group you have all been invited to join. We have started the process, slightly early, to recruit our next team of PE Champions. If you are interested in applying, please visit that group for all the details. There will also be a chance to apply when we return to school. This is a fantastic opportunity and we are really proud to see 7 of the 9 students interviewed for the Senior Student Leadership Team being previous PE Champions. Well done all! The PE team wish you a restful and safe summer. We are really looking forward to welcoming you all back and when the situation allows us to, playing sport again!
The Regents Review Summer 2020
It turns out that Year 9 are keen linguists, with almost half the Year group opting to continue with their French or Spanish up to GCSE. This is certainly impressive. Year 9, bien hecho por aceptar el reto...or … félicitations pour relever le défi!
Ideal City Alisa in Year 9 designed and wrote about her ideal city in Spanish.
French Youtube Tutorial
Denisa - Year 9, watched and carefully understood a French YouTube video to make this Easter treat!
Salsa Recipe Ridley in Year 8 celebrated Cinco de Mayo by creating his own Salsa recipe.
MFL Lockdown Bingo There’s still time to take part in MFL Bingo! Well Done to Denisa, Stan, Ani and Alysha! Join the MFL Lockdown Bingo Google Classroom: a4wfgio Share your evidence to win prizes!
The Regents Review Summer 2020
Paris 2020 Before Lockdown started, we were fortunate enough to take 25 students on the MFL department’s first trip to Paris! We left early on the Wednesday morning and began our long drive to Paris, with Miss Kingswell managing to get students to check for fishes in the Eurotunnel! We arrived at our accommodation which was also a French primary school. The rooms were lovely, however French cuisine wasn’t a hit for all of us! The following day, we went to Disneyland Paris. Although it rained all day, students and teachers had an amazing time, we even managed to take an extra student back with us – a giant Stitch teddy bear! The next day gave us a more cultural feel of France, we firstly visited the Stade de France, where students played their French football debut! Next, we had a lovely picnic at the Eiffel Tower and then made our way for a cruise down the River Seine. We finished our busy day with a trip to the world- famous Louvre, we can definitely say a massive thank you to Mr Moth who managed to lead us to the Mona Lisa in a very busy art gallery! The next day, we started our long journey back to Regents Park. A massive thanks go to Mr Moth, Miss Moore and Mrs Moore for coming with us. And also to Ms Loubier who did all of the planning. Although school trips abroad are looking unlikely at the moment, the MFL department are looking forward to planning
our next educational adventure! Language Links
The Regents Review Summer 2020
The Regents Review Summer 2020
DIARY DATES FOR PARENTS Term Dates Term start Autumn Term (1st half) 7th September 2020 Autumn Term (2nd half) 2nd November 2020
Term end
23rd October 2020 17th December 2020
School Holidays Half Term Christmas Break Inset Days 3rd September 2020 4th September 2020 18th December 2020 12th March 2021 25th June 2021
26th October 2020 21st December 2020
30th October 2020 1st January 2021
Calendar Events 7th September 2020 Year 7 only
8th September 2020 Year 7 & 11 only 8th September 2020 Year 7 Photographs 9th September 2020 Whole School Returns
14th September 2020 Year 7 Football Enrichment Day 24th September 2020 Open Evening 6.00pm - 8.00pm 25th September 2020 PE Champion Training Day 1st October 2020 Year 7 Welcome Evening 19th October 2020 Year 11 PSHE Day 22nd October 2020 Certificate Presentation Evening 5th November 2020 Year 11 Revision Evening 5.30pm - 6.30pm 12th November 2020 Year 10 Parents Evening 17th November 2020 Year 7 PSHE Day 7th December 2020 PE Champion Tournaments Week
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