Regents Review Summer 2019-20

The Regents Review Summer 2020

WELCOME Headteacher’s Welcome

share her passion for Teaching and Learning. Mrs Flynn is an inspiring art teacher and over her 17 years at RPCC she has encouraged many students to continue their interest in art at College and beyond. Thank you to all of you for the support you have given to the staff and students during your time at the school. The RPCC leadership team is also due to change as two members of the team retire. However, you will still see them around the school site because they still want more time to support our school. We are delighted that these two crucial members of staff will remain with us for some time yet! Both Mr Brown and Mrs Cosford have been at the school for many years between them and have motivated thousands of students and encouraged hundreds of staff members. I am so grateful for the privilege of working closely with them both and it is great news that Mrs Cosford will be working in the English department for the next year and Mr Brown will support Year 11 intervention work. We will welcome several new members of staff to the school in September. Miss Chegwidden will be joining the Maths department, Mr Timmis will join the Science department, Miss Gilbert-Twigg and Mr Russell will join the RE department, Mrs Mouland will join the MFL department, Miss Stanness-Witcher and Mrs Timmis will join the Creative Arts team and Miss Murphy will join the Geography department. All our new members of the RPCC team have been in regular contact with their departments and are very excited to join the school in September. This year has been very different and next year will be different again but the RPCC team has shown not only passion and care for the whole school community but an exceptional level of resilience. We know that whatever we have to deal with we can and that dealing with it makes us stronger as a result of the challenge. Enjoy reading and celebrating this addition of our Regents Review and have a safe and restful summer. I look forward to welcoming students, staff and parents back to the school in September. Mrs Barnes Headteacher

The Summer edition of the Regents Review is always the most difficult one to write and put together as it always involves saying goodbye to another year group and to colleagues as they move on to pastures new. But this year, we did debate if we would have enough to fill an edition full of interesting and fun articles for you to read and if the pandemic might make our Summer edition just too challenging to put together. However, as you will see we did not need to worry! Regents Park has continued to excel with rewards, outstanding work, positive news and much much more. I am so proud of our school community and how we have all dealt with a very different end to the year. Parents have risen to the challenge of supporting their children at home, staff that have found new ways to engage and teach their classes and of course the students have embraced new ways of learning and communicating. As we get ready to enter the summer break I would like to take the opportunity to thank the staff who will be leaving us this year. From the LSA team thank you to Ms Estrems-Garcia who is returning to Spain and Mrs Tothne Guczogi, who has been inspired by the Maths department and will be taking up a new role as Maths teacher in September. As you will see later on in the Regents Review the Humanities team will say farewell to two members of their team who are moving on to experience other schools. Thank you to Miss Hayward and Miss Matthews. Thank you also to Mrs Beard who has been teaching in the languages department over the last few terms covering Mrs Sturdy’s maternity leave. We look forward to welcoming Mrs Sturdy back in September. Additionally, it is with sadness that I thank some long standing members of our teaching team. Miss Ruberry will be very missed as she moves on to another Southampton School. Miss Ruberry returned to RPCC several years ago and led the alternative provision before joining the Maths team where she has successfully led the Key Stage 3 curriculum. Mrs Griffiths has also been at RPCC for many years and as a member of the Science team she has enhanced the Key Stage 3 curriculum. Mrs Griffiths is leaving us to become a Lead Practioner, the perfect post for her to


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