6. Health & Safety

LOCKDOWN PROCEDURES It is essential that all members of staff are made aware what the alarm designated for lockdown procedures sounds like to ensure that they take the appropriate action.  6 bursts on the school bell to indicate the lockdown  Staff and students are to remain in their classes or rooms that they are in  Staff are to lock the classroom door and remain calm  Office/reception is to be secured with the shutters down and locked  Another 6 bursts on the school bell will indicate the end of the emergency situation Upon hearing the alarms, staff are to remain in situ until advised otherwise. *If at this time, you are teaching in D2 or D5, please relocate to D1 – accessible via swipe card* The school lockdown or partial lockdown procedures could be put into place by the Headteacher due to either:  an intruder on site  an incident in which the Police and other external agencies are involved  an accident on school premises in which a change of lesson could be dangerous  an incident in the community in which school has been advised to lockdown i.e. gas leak


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