6. Health & Safety

SAFETY IN FOCUS  Fire Officer will, during the first half of the Autumn Term, arrange a fire evacuation procedure for the new Year 7 students and their tutors.  Tutors are to go through these instructions with their tutor group on a termly basis.  Whole school fire evacuation procedure should be carried out once per term.  Routes and exits that form the means of escape must always be available for use and kept clear of obstruction at all times. Rubbish must not be allowed to accumulate in any area of the building. Stairs and stairwells must be kept clear at all times.  Displays are important in our school but care needs to be taken to ensure that display does not impede escape routes and is not arranged in such a manner that could cause it to catch fire.  Fire alarm break points will be tested on a weekly basis and a log kept by the Facilities Manager


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