6. Health & Safety


Health & Safety and Emergency Evacuation Plans September 2021

Please read this document in conjunction with the ‘Live Emergency Evacuation Plan’ when applicable Health & Safety / Fire Officer: Miss C Amos Mr B McArthur in absence of Fire Officer Alarm Procedure Sounders Fire Alarm – Continuous siren Bomb Alert – 3 bursts on school bells, 3 seconds silence, 3 bursts, 3 seconds silence - repeated Lockdown – 6 bursts on school bells to mark lockdown and then 6 bursts on school bells to end Whenever a fire occurs on the school site, the main consideration is to get everybody out of the buildings safely. Protection of personal or Council property is incidental. ON HEARING THE FIRE ALARM ALL FIRE MARSHALLS & LT ON SITE SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CHANGE RADIO STATION TO CHANNEL 7. IF THE FIRE ALARM RINGS, STAFF SHOULD FIRST LOOK OUT OF THE DOOR AND AROUND THE IMMEDIATE AREA TO CHECK FOR SMOKE. STAFF SHOULD BEGIN CALMLY AND QUIETLY EXI T ING THE BUI LDING On discovery of fire a member of staff will activate the nearest fire alarm call point (located by every exit door from the buildings) and evacuate the immediate vicinity. On Hearing Fire Alarm  Close all windows both internal and external  Turn off any dangerous appliances e.g. kilns, cookers, drills, saws  Line up in single file at the door - IN SILENCE  Do not collect personal belongings  Close the door after the last person has left (in classrooms the teacher leaves last, closing the door behind her/him – DO NOT lock doors ) Students - when told to leave must  Follow the instructions of your teacher as to the appropriate evacuation route DO NOT RUN  Exit the building as shown on Page 2 Evacuation Routes to Assembly Points  Proceed to your assembly area - see Page 9 Fire Evacuation Assembly Plan  Assemble in tutor groups in register order  Do not re-enter building until the all clear is given.  After re-entering building, line up outside the classroom and do not re-enter until teacher arrives.


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