6. Health & Safety

Pandemic Procedures

The Local Authority will update the school on levels of Pandemic Alert (from level 1 to 6). The school has a Pandemic Plan in place and this will be followed throughout the stages of the alert. Up to Level 5 information will be posted throughout the school and via the website and social media and information being emailed home if necessary. Students and staff should be encouraged to follow the guidance displayed. Senior staff will be briefed as to which level is in place and will be advised of any arrangements necessary. Staff should read the DfE Guidance for Schools and Local Authorities - Supporting Learning if schools close for extended periods If Level 6 is reached then the Pandemic Plan will be followed and: • Assemblies and large gatherings of staff and pupils will be suspended. • Additional cleaning procedures will be implemented • First Aiders will be advised of the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when dealing with any cases and the procedure to follow • A room will be designated as the isolation room, furniture and unnecessary equipment will be removed and a yellow hazardous material bin will be located in the room Information will be sent to parents and staff on the precautions being implemented. In the event of a school closure the same procedure will be followed as for severe weather disruption with information displayed on Southampton City Council Website and RPCC website. The guidance indicated that in the event of schools being closed to students, staff would still be expected to report for work. Headteachers would decide whether staff needed to come into school or could work from home. Headteachers should, in consultation with governors, staff, trade unions and professional associations, take into account, among other factors (including the well- being and family needs of staff), how/where staff could best support the school’s approach to remote learning. Staff should be able to implement their department procedures on supporting learning during a school closure. DfE Guidance for Schools and Local Authorities - Supporting Learning if Schools Close for Extended Periods in a Pandemic

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