6. Health & Safety

b) The Business Manager is responsible for summoning outside assistance i.e. ambulance and informing the Headteacher c) The Welfare Officer will be responsible for ensuring the completion of the relevant of accident form – HS1 however, the member of staff who dealt with/witnessed the incident may also assist with the completion of the form. (SWP Accident and Incident Reporting) Any accident must be fully and accurately reported as per SCC’s SWP and HSE guidelines. Where possible, detailed statements should be provided to the Welfare Officer or designated member of staff who dealt with the accident/incident. All accidents and incidents will be investigated by the Business Manager and reported to the Headteacher and the Governing Body. A record of all accidents must be completed (including employees, students and/or members of the public), however minor. This is done by completing the following:  The HS1 for all accidents to the public, staff and students requiring removal to hospital and any injury to a member of staff.  For minor injuries to students the Welfare Officer will also be responsible for ensuring the completion of the relevant of accident form – HS1 however, the responsible adult who dealt with/witnessed the incident may also assist with the completion of the form. (SWP Accident and Incident Reporting) HS1 Form The HS1 Form is required to be completed when injury is to a:  Member of public – minor or major injury.  Student – Injury requiring removal to hospital for treatment or fatality  Employee – Major injury/Over 3 days absence injury/disease possibly associated to work/Fatality  Dangerous Occurrence/Significant Incident  Violence/Abuse incident The HS1 Form will normally be completed by the Welfare Officer, however, the responsible adult who dealt with/witnessed the incident may be required assist with the completion of the form. In the case of death, serious injury, dangerous occurrences or significant incidents, contact the Health & Safety Service immediately by telephoning 023 8091 7771 (schools) (for out of hours call 07770 536836); also inform the Headteacher. Certain cases of are reportable to the HSE under Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 [Riddor]

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