6. Health & Safety
Reporting of Accidents / Incidents For all accidents and incidents employees must: report all accidents and incidents to the Welfare Officer assist the school with accident reporting and accident investigations as required report any occupational ill health, diseases or conditions they experience as a result of undertaking their work All accidents and incidents (injury and non-injury), reportable diseases and work related sickness absence involving employees or non-employees (i.e. contractors, members of the public, visitors, clients, pupils on Council premises or business) must be reported in a prompt manner. For students who suffer injuries at school which are not so serious as to cause them to be taken from the site of the accident to hospital for treatment, the accident is reported and recorded on the student record within SIMS. If there is a reportable disease notified to the Business Manager by a doctor, this must be reported to the Health and Safety Southampton Strategic Services Partnership as soon as possible and followed up by the HS1 form (within 5 working days). Health and Safety Southampton Strategic Services Partnership will report to the HSE of all notifiable accidents, dangerous occurrences and reportable diseases and will inform the Business Manager and Health and Safety Advisor. To ensure the Health and Safety Southampton Strategic Services Partnership meets statutory reporting times scales, incidents must be reported to the service in a timely manner. First Aid Information First Aiders (First Aid at Work FAW) are staff that have completed a comprehensive 3 day training course that has been approved by the Health & Safety executive. Emergency First Aiders at Work (EFAW) are staff who have completed a ½ day course and are nominated as emergency first aiders to give basic provision to someone who is injured or becomes ill while at work. A list of qualified First Aiders is available in this document, or from the Business Manager upon request. Location of First Aid Boxes: Medical Room Science Department
Technology Department Food Technology Room PE Department
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