6. Health & Safety
Section 6 - Health & Safety
1 Safety Policy and Safe Working Procedures
2 Electrical Testing
3 Minibus Policy
4 Reporting of Accident & Incidents including First Aid Procedures
5 Pandemic Procedures
6 Strangers Procedures
7 Educational Visits including Policy
8 Emergency Evacuation Plan
Safe Working Practices
Safety Policy
See the school’s Statement of Organisation and Arrangements for Ensuring Health and Safety (Code of Practice)
HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK: SAFE WORKING PROCEDURES These can be accessed via SCC Intranet – Your council - Health and Safety- Safe Working http://www.youngsouthampton.org/working-with-children/schools- guidance/health-and-safety/safe-working-procedures.aspx
CSL Guidance - Prohibiting/Warning of people Safe Working Procedure - Accident/Incident Reporting and Investigation Safe Working Procedure - Confined Spaces
Safe Working Procedure - Contamination and Needlesticks Incidents Safe Working Procedure - Control of Contractors and Service Providers Safe Working Procedure - Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Safe Working Procedure - Control of Vibration at Work Safe Working Procedure - Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres (DSEAR)
Safe Working Procedure - Display Screen Equipment Safe Working Procedure - Driving Vehicles while Working Safe Working Procedure - Electrical Safety in the Workplace Safe Working Procedure - Fire Door Protocol Safe Working Procedure - Firework Display Safe Working Procedure - First Aid at Work Safe Working Procedure - Gas Safety Safe Working Procedure - Health and Safety Training Safe Working Procedure - Health Surveillance Safe Working Procedure - Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Safe Working Procedure - Liquefied Petroleum Gas in Cylinders (LPG) Safe Working Procedure - Managing Food Hygiene Safe Working Procedure - Managing Health and Safety in Catering Safe Working Procedure - Managing Wellbeing at Work Safe Working Procedure - Manual Handling Safe Working Procedure - Medical Support to Pupils Safe Working Procedure - Incident List Safe Working Procedure - Lift Trappings
Safe Working Procedure - Moving and Handling of People Safe Working Procedure - Moving and Handling of Pupils Safe Working Procedure - New and Expectant Mothers
Safe Working Procedure - Noise at Work Safe Working Procedure - Permit to work Safe Working Procedure - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Safe Working Procedure - Persons in a Training Role and Young Persons at Work
Safe Working Procedure - Play Equipment Safe Working Procedure - Preventing Workplace Harassment and Violence Safe Working Procedure - Property Management and Compliance Safe Working Procedure - Risk Assessment Safe Working Procedure - Safety Representatives Safe Working Procedure - Work Equipment Safe Working Procedure - Working Alone in Safety Safe Working Procedure - Working Safely at Height Safe Working Procedure - Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare Safe Working Procedure - Workplace Transport
Electrical Testing All portable electrical items on site over 1 year old must be tested and updated annually. The testing will take place by the Facilities & IT Support Teams during the year, but predominantly this will be organised during the summer closure. Any items found without an up-to-date test sticker will be removed and put in a safe place.
Regents Park Community College
Minibus Policy YH13 OAB – Silver 17 seats including driver YD11 KFL – White 15 seats including driver
The minibuses are the property of Regents Park Community College and must therefore be treated with the same respect as any other asset owned by the School. They are insured by Zurich Municipal. A minibus can be driven by any member of staff who is over the age of 21 with two years driving experience, has held a clean driving licence for three years and has a current MIDAS certificate. The minibus can only be driven by staff with the appropriate qualification, see the Safe Working Procedure No 60a – Safety of Minibus Operations Issue 4 Nov 2007, Revision 2 January 2009, produced by Southampton City Council The minibus is regarded as a Public Service Vehicle (PSV) and therefore CANNOT be used as a general purpose people carrier unless it has a Minibus Permit which allows drivers to transport children to events for which a financial contribution has been made. All drivers must hold an Authority to Drive the Minibus letter from the Headteacher and must be willing to hand in their driving licence with authority for a DVLA check every September. Regents Park Community College requires that ALL DRIVERS OF MINIBUSES WHEN TRANSPORTING CHILDREN SHOULD BE ACCREDITED UNDER THE MIDAS SCHEME. Drivers must inform the school management if their circumstances change regarding their driving licence as detailed in the Authority to Drive the Minibus letter. Seat belts must be worn by all drivers and passengers for all journeys and it is the responsibility of the driver to remind all passengers to wear their seat belts and to ensure they are fastened and worn correctly at the start of the journey. The minibus is covered by the no smoking regulations and therefore smoking is not permitted at any time in the vehicle. Before any journey takes place a Minibus Travel Form and a Minibus Checkl ist must be completed. If any defects are found they must be reported to the Facilities Manager. Any defect will render the minibus unfit for use. There must always be 2 qualified drivers for longer journeys, over 100 miles (50 miles from base) or 2 hours of driving. A second adult must be present for all journeys taken on a motorway. Local journeys on A & B roads may be conducted with driver only at the schools discretion, with consideration of the age and behavioural/SEN needs of the students. Drivers must refer to the ROSPA Minibus Safety Code of Practice for the current regulations regarding driver’s hours and required breaks, copy held by Facilities Manager., e.g. maximum working day is 10 hours, school day 8.30 to 3.30 is 7 hours so therefore can only drive for 3 hours. If you have been involved either in supervising a visit or in teaching throughout the day, you should consider carefully whether you are sufficiently alert to drive a minibus. As with all other vehicles the use of mobile phones whilst driving is llegal. A satellite navigation system, if used, must be programmed prior to the journey and any modifications to the programme can only be made when the vehicle is parked and stationary. Staff must ensure that the minibus is securely locked after use.
It is the responsibility of the member of staff driving to leave the minibus litter free. The driver should inspect the minibus on the return to school and ensure all rubbish is removed from the bus. Please ensure the following details are always adhered to: The Minibus may only be used in the pursuance of authorised school business. Drivers must produce their driving licence (both parts if photo licence) to the Business Manager when requested, so a copy can be taken and kept on file to comply with the minibus insurance policy. (every September) Any change in licence particulars i.e., change of address, endorsement and ban etc., must be reported to the Business Manager. Any health condition which may affect driver licensing must be reported to the Business Manager. Any damage incurred, however minor and all accidents must be reported to the Facilities Manager at the earliest possible opportunity. If the weather cause hazardous driving conditions such as snow, ice, frost then the driver should refer to the Headteacher, Senior Deputy or the Business Manager before leaving site. Notes for additional information Minibus servicing The minibus will be booked for safety checks, servicing, MOT and repair by the Site Team, taking into consideration any prior bookings received. The Site Team will also be responsible for the up keep of the vehicles i.e. regular weekly checks on oil, water, windscreen wipers and tyres alongside the re-fuelling of the vehicles before and after use or hire. The Site Team will also regularly clean the minibuses. Non Midas drivers and hire by non profit making organisations The school has now extended its hire and insurance to cover Non Midas drivers however, this does not include school use where drivers are carrying students as passengers. This cover can, however, be used for dropping off and collecting the vehicles from a garage etc. The insurance cover also extends to the hire of the vehicles from non profit making organisations such as Scouts & Trust Schools etc, however proof of MIDAS, driving licence and subject to DVLA checks must be provided before hire. Charges for non school use The minibus will be provided with a full tank of fuel on collection and the hirer will be expected to replenish fuel used before its return. Return of vehicles must be arranged with the Site Team on collection. If the event of an accident, please contact the Business Manager or Facilities Manager. Please report any damage or accidents on the appropriate form when returning the vehicle.
Insurers: Zurich – Policy No: QLA-11U004-0023-59 (1/4/16-31/3/17)
Breakdown Cover: IC Insurance Choice
24 hr Helpline 0800 221 8240 or 01737 815 858 YH13 0AB - ICB 014942 (19/10/16-18/10/17) YD11 KFL – ICB 6040053 (13/10/16-16/05/17)
Minibus Travel Record Form To ensure the school has taken responsible steps to ensure that the drivers of minibuses are competent and fit to drive on THE DAY OF THE TRIP – the following tick list should be followed. These should be handed into reception before the trip leaves school, the driver should complete. Date Information obtained by Question/Task
Yes/No Fit to drive?
Trip Organiser to ask the driver Trip Organiser to ask the driver
Do you feel fit and able to drive?
Have you completed the following checks on the minibus?
Driver to: Driver to: Driver to:
Checked all tyres look OK
Checked there is enough fuel for the trip [fuel should not be purchased while students are on board]
Checked all lights work [including brake lights] Trip Organiser – reminder to driver Do not lock any of the doors in case the driver is injured – to allow an escape route for passengers – confirm doors unlocked? Trip Organiser – reminder to driver to: Ensured there is a First Aid kit and a bowl/bag for travel sickness Trip Organiser – reminder to driver to: Complete the log book at the start and end of the journey Trip Organiser – reminder to driver to: Ensure the office know when you are leaving the school site Trip Organiser – reminder to driver to: Inform school if trip is delayed when returning to school [ask the escort to ring]
When Back When Back
Have you reported anything of note regarding the vehicle to the Facilities Manager? Ensure the minibus is left secure and tidy [all rubbish removed] at the end of trip ensuring no property is left on the minibus
Drivers signature:
_Trip Organiser signature:
Minibus Drivers Checklist (for both internal & external use) Drivers should be aware of the MIDAS walkaround check – kept in the minibus Date Driver Vehicle Reg No
Detail of journey
Mileage before journey
Mileage on return
Checks before journey
Checks on return Fuel (if below ¼ tank please inform Facilities Manager
Head lights
Interior clean
Tail lights Indicators Fuel Fire extinguisher First aid box Seatbelts fastened Please note any concerns or faults found and needing action and hand form back to the Site Team
Qualified First Aiders
Mrs P Simmons (Student Welfare Officer)
Miss C Amos (F&BS - Business Manager)
Mrs K Heath (F&BS - Senior Administrator)
Miss F Lovato (F&BS - Administrator)
Miss K Moore (Head of Year Support)
Emergency First Aiders
Mrs C Aldworth (F&BS - Reprographics)
Miss S Baillie (Study Supervisor)
Mrs N Ballard (Study Supervisor)
Mrs J Barlow (LSA)
Mrs D Blakely (Head of Year 7 Support)
Mr M Branford (Head of PE)
Mrs A Cooper (Science Teacher)
Miss J Cooper (LSA)
Mrs T Corrigan (Lead LSA)
Mr A Dunn (Assistant Caretaker)
Mr D Gates (Head of Year 11)
Mr K Grainey (Assistant Curriculum Leader – Science)
Ms C Greenwood (LSA)
Ms J Hatcher (LSA)
Mrs L Jarvis (Head of Year 10/11 Support)
Ms M Kaur (F&BS - Administrator)
Mrs A Khan (LSA)
Mrs R Mansbridge (F&BS - Finance Officer)
Mr R McArthur (Facilities Manager) Mrs C Moth (AP Provision Support) Miss R Norris (Study Supervisor & Cover Manager) Mrs K Osbourne (Study Supervisor) Ms E Ottaway (PE Teacher) Mrs D Reed (F&BS - Administrator) Mrs A Saunders (Behaviour Support Assistant – IE) Mrs S Sinclair (Head of Year 7) Mr A Stone (Head of Year 9) Miss J Tingey (LSA) Ms T Wareham (LSA)
Reporting of Accidents / Incidents For all accidents and incidents employees must: report all accidents and incidents to the Welfare Officer assist the school with accident reporting and accident investigations as required report any occupational ill health, diseases or conditions they experience as a result of undertaking their work All accidents and incidents (injury and non-injury), reportable diseases and work related sickness absence involving employees or non-employees (i.e. contractors, members of the public, visitors, clients, pupils on Council premises or business) must be reported in a prompt manner. For students who suffer injuries at school which are not so serious as to cause them to be taken from the site of the accident to hospital for treatment, the accident is reported and recorded on the student record within SIMS. If there is a reportable disease notified to the Business Manager by a doctor, this must be reported to the Health and Safety Southampton Strategic Services Partnership as soon as possible and followed up by the HS1 form (within 5 working days). Health and Safety Southampton Strategic Services Partnership will report to the HSE of all notifiable accidents, dangerous occurrences and reportable diseases and will inform the Business Manager and Health and Safety Advisor. To ensure the Health and Safety Southampton Strategic Services Partnership meets statutory reporting times scales, incidents must be reported to the service in a timely manner. First Aid Information First Aiders (First Aid at Work FAW) are staff that have completed a comprehensive 3 day training course that has been approved by the Health & Safety executive. Emergency First Aiders at Work (EFAW) are staff who have completed a ½ day course and are nominated as emergency first aiders to give basic provision to someone who is injured or becomes ill while at work. A list of qualified First Aiders is available in this document, or from the Business Manager upon request. Location of First Aid Boxes: Medical Room Science Department
Technology Department Food Technology Room PE Department
Staffroom Swimming Pool Caretakers store room Mini Bus Travel first Aid Kits are available for Educational visits & Journeys or sport fixtures off site – please book in advance with the Welfare Officer. Contents of Boxes: FIRST AID KIT TRAVEL FIRST AID KIT Plasters 20 20 Sterile Eye Pad with bandage 2 - Triangle Bandage – sterile 4 2 Wound Dressing – medium 6 - Wound Dressing – large 2 1 Disposable Gloves 1 1 Alcohol free wipes (optional) 6 2 Eye Wash 4 4 a) Information should be passed to the Welfare Officer. In the case of a serious incident, do not move the student unless the casualty and you are in danger b) The Welfare Officer attending is responsible for summoning outside assistance i.e. ambulance and informing the Headteacher/Business Manager c) The parents need to be informed of the situation by a member of F&BS Team if necessary d) A record is kept on SIMS of every child seen in the medical room (or by the first aiders in the department), however minor the incident/accident e) The Welfare Officer will be responsible for the reporting and recording of all accidents and incidents f) The Welfare Officer will also be responsible for completion of the relevant of accident form – HS1 however, the responsible adult who dealt with/witnessed the incident may also be required to assist with the completion of the form. (SWP Accident and Reporting procedures) 2. Staff a) Information should be passed to the Welfare Officer. Do not move the member of staff unless the casualty and you are in danger. Boxes are checked and stocked by the Welfare Officer Procedure for Accidents / Incidents 1. Students
b) The Business Manager is responsible for summoning outside assistance i.e. ambulance and informing the Headteacher c) The Welfare Officer will be responsible for ensuring the completion of the relevant of accident form – HS1 however, the member of staff who dealt with/witnessed the incident may also assist with the completion of the form. (SWP Accident and Incident Reporting) Any accident must be fully and accurately reported as per SCC’s SWP and HSE guidelines. Where possible, detailed statements should be provided to the Welfare Officer or designated member of staff who dealt with the accident/incident. All accidents and incidents will be investigated by the Business Manager and reported to the Headteacher and the Governing Body. A record of all accidents must be completed (including employees, students and/or members of the public), however minor. This is done by completing the following: The HS1 for all accidents to the public, staff and students requiring removal to hospital and any injury to a member of staff. For minor injuries to students the Welfare Officer will also be responsible for ensuring the completion of the relevant of accident form – HS1 however, the responsible adult who dealt with/witnessed the incident may also assist with the completion of the form. (SWP Accident and Incident Reporting) HS1 Form The HS1 Form is required to be completed when injury is to a: Member of public – minor or major injury. Student – Injury requiring removal to hospital for treatment or fatality Employee – Major injury/Over 3 days absence injury/disease possibly associated to work/Fatality Dangerous Occurrence/Significant Incident Violence/Abuse incident The HS1 Form will normally be completed by the Welfare Officer, however, the responsible adult who dealt with/witnessed the incident may be required assist with the completion of the form. In the case of death, serious injury, dangerous occurrences or significant incidents, contact the Health & Safety Service immediately by telephoning 023 8091 7771 (schools) (for out of hours call 07770 536836); also inform the Headteacher. Certain cases of are reportable to the HSE under Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 [Riddor]
The Health & Safety Service is responsible for statutory reporting to the Health and Safety Executive. Providing that the internal procedure is followed by Divisions/Schools, no further action is necessary on their part. Refer to SCC - SWP – Accident/incident Reporting and Investigation Version 2.03 March 2017
Pandemic Procedures
The Local Authority will update the school on levels of Pandemic Alert (from level 1 to 6). The school has a Pandemic Plan in place and this will be followed throughout the stages of the alert. Up to Level 5 information will be posted throughout the school and via the website and social media and information being emailed home if necessary. Students and staff should be encouraged to follow the guidance displayed. Senior staff will be briefed as to which level is in place and will be advised of any arrangements necessary. Staff should read the DfE Guidance for Schools and Local Authorities - Supporting Learning if schools close for extended periods If Level 6 is reached then the Pandemic Plan will be followed and: • Assemblies and large gatherings of staff and pupils will be suspended. • Additional cleaning procedures will be implemented • First Aiders will be advised of the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when dealing with any cases and the procedure to follow • A room will be designated as the isolation room, furniture and unnecessary equipment will be removed and a yellow hazardous material bin will be located in the room Information will be sent to parents and staff on the precautions being implemented. In the event of a school closure the same procedure will be followed as for severe weather disruption with information displayed on Southampton City Council Website and RPCC website. The guidance indicated that in the event of schools being closed to students, staff would still be expected to report for work. Headteachers would decide whether staff needed to come into school or could work from home. Headteachers should, in consultation with governors, staff, trade unions and professional associations, take into account, among other factors (including the well- being and family needs of staff), how/where staff could best support the school’s approach to remote learning. Staff should be able to implement their department procedures on supporting learning during a school closure. DfE Guidance for Schools and Local Authorities - Supporting Learning if Schools Close for Extended Periods in a Pandemic
Procedure for Strangers on the School Site
All staff should wear their name badges; all visitors will have a RPCC Visitors badge on.
If a member of staff notices anyone who does not have the appropriate ID on or notices anyone acting suspiciously, they should either call for assistance from LT to approach the stranger or, if they feel comfortable, challenge that person to ask why they are on site. At no time should the member of staff place themselves in a dangerous situation. If there is any element of danger or suspicion then LT should be informed immediately who will instigate a lockdown and then contact the Police, should it be necessary.
If no senior member of staff is available then contact the Police should you deem it necessary.
Educational Visits & Journeys Full information on educational visits and journeys can be found in the school’s Educational Visits and Journeys Policy Definition of an Educational Visit To be an educational experience the venture should : Have a clear educational aim and value. Enable young people to be prepared for the experience in terms of purpose and appropriate conduct. Have a follow-up or review which enables the participant to gain the most benefit from the visit/experience. Provide opportunity, where possible/appropriate, for positive recording to be made.
Health & Safety and Emergency Evacuation Plans September 2021
Please read this document in conjunction with the ‘Live Emergency Evacuation Plan’ when applicable Health & Safety / Fire Officer: Miss C Amos Mr B McArthur in absence of Fire Officer Alarm Procedure Sounders Fire Alarm – Continuous siren Bomb Alert – 3 bursts on school bells, 3 seconds silence, 3 bursts, 3 seconds silence - repeated Lockdown – 6 bursts on school bells to mark lockdown and then 6 bursts on school bells to end Whenever a fire occurs on the school site, the main consideration is to get everybody out of the buildings safely. Protection of personal or Council property is incidental. ON HEARING THE FIRE ALARM ALL FIRE MARSHALLS & LT ON SITE SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CHANGE RADIO STATION TO CHANNEL 7. IF THE FIRE ALARM RINGS, STAFF SHOULD FIRST LOOK OUT OF THE DOOR AND AROUND THE IMMEDIATE AREA TO CHECK FOR SMOKE. STAFF SHOULD BEGIN CALMLY AND QUIETLY EXI T ING THE BUI LDING On discovery of fire a member of staff will activate the nearest fire alarm call point (located by every exit door from the buildings) and evacuate the immediate vicinity. On Hearing Fire Alarm Close all windows both internal and external Turn off any dangerous appliances e.g. kilns, cookers, drills, saws Line up in single file at the door - IN SILENCE Do not collect personal belongings Close the door after the last person has left (in classrooms the teacher leaves last, closing the door behind her/him – DO NOT lock doors ) Students - when told to leave must Follow the instructions of your teacher as to the appropriate evacuation route DO NOT RUN Exit the building as shown on Page 2 Evacuation Routes to Assembly Points Proceed to your assembly area - see Page 9 Fire Evacuation Assembly Plan Assemble in tutor groups in register order Do not re-enter building until the all clear is given. After re-entering building, line up outside the classroom and do not re-enter until teacher arrives.
Evacuation Routes to Assembly Points located on Tennis Courts, Richville Road ALTERNATIVE ROUTE ONLY TO BE USED WHEN FIRST EVACUATION ROUTE IS OBSTRUCTED BY FIRE OR HAZARD . Location Fire exit door to be taken out of building Alternative route Music M1, M2, M3 & M4 Fire exit door near Music rooms Fire exit door opposite Library Library Fire exit door opposite Library Fire exit door near Art Offices & IE Fire exit door opposite Library Fire exit door near Art Conference Room, Facilities Office, Exams Office & PE Office Fire exit door near Music rooms Fire exit door opposite Library BM Office, Meeting & Medical Rm Fire exit door opposite Library Fire exit door near Music rooms Hall, Green Room Fire exit door leading to Car Park (during examinations only ) Other times fire exit door opposite Library Fire exit door leading to Car Park (during e xaminations only ) Other times fire exit door near Music rooms
Gymnasium, & Changing Rooms
Fire exit door off Gym Fire exit door off Gym
Fire exit door near Music rooms Fire exit door near Music rooms or if instructed fire exit door for modular building Fire exit door opposite Library
PE modular building
Rooms 17,18,19 & KS4 office Reprographics, Rooms 2, 7, 8 & IT office Rooms 3, 5, 6, toilets, AHT & KS3 Offices
Fire exit door near Art
Fire exit door opposite Dining Hall Fire exit door by Room 5
Fire exit door opposite Dining Hall
Fire exit door by Room 5
Dining Hall/Kitchen
Fire exit door near Dining Hall/ B&E corridor
Fire exit door to Car Park
Swimming Pool
Main door
Fire exit door near Dining Hall
Headteacher, Heads PA, Reception & Admin Office
Fire exit door by Music rooms
Fire exit door opposite Library
Design Hub Arbor Lodge
Fire exit door near Art rooms
Fire exit door to all weather pitch
Fire exit door to all weather pitch Fire exit door near Art rooms
Rooms 12,13, SEND Room & Staff Room
Fire exit door Back stairs by Room 9 Fire exit door Back stairs by Room 9 Down Main stairs out fire exit door by Room 5 Down Back stairs near Drama room Down Main stairs out fire exit door by Room 5
Down Main stairs out through fire exit door by Room 5 Down Main stairs out through fire exit door by Room 5 Down Back stairs near Drama room Down Main stairs out through fire exit door by Room 5 Down Back stairs by Room 9 staircase through Dining Hall to fire exit door by Swimming Pool
First floor toilets
Rooms 22, Drama, 24, 25, 26, 27 & 28
Room S6 & S7
Rooms 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16 & office
Rooms 32, 33 (ground floor)
Exit fire exit door to Richville Rd Fire exit door near Music room
Rooms 36, 37, 40, 41, office
Internal stairs and fire exit door to Richville Rd Covered external fire escape
Covered external fire escape
Rooms 34, 35, 38, 39, DHT Office
Internal stairs and fire exit door to Richville Rd Fire exit door to Richville Rd
Rooms 30, 31, toilet (ground floor)
Fire exit door near Music room
Science S5, Conference Suite, Prep Room Offices between Science Dept & female staff toilets Science S1, S2, S3 & S4
External stairs
Internal stairs down to fire exit door near Music room Science internal stairs fire exit door near Music room Internal stairs fire exit door near Music room
External stairs
External stairs
Evacuation from the Hall and Conference Room during assembly time, examination time or during a school function, see Page 11-13. Evacuation during After School Clubs When the school is open to students for clubs between 2.40-4.00pm – all staff should exit by nearest door and assemble in the main playground– see Page 9 Fire evacuation assembly plan. Registers are to be taken out by Finance & Business Support Team and all Fire Marshalls still on site will assume their Fire Marshall responsibilities. The Lead Fire Marshall will be located at the Fire Alarm Panel to take overall responsibility and issue instructions Evacuation during a hire Follow the instructions of the hirer in charge as to the appropriate evacuation route DO NOT RUN Proceed to the Assembly Area (External Hirers – Evenings and Weekends) - See Page 9 Fire Evacuation Assembly Plan – Main Playground Hirers to ensure they have taken a register of those in attendance and take the register to the Assembly Area Inform Lead Fire Marshall/Duty Caretaker of any persons unaccounted for Hirers to remain at assembly point until directed by Lead Fire Marshall/Duty Caretaker
Key points to all staff Response team consists of: Leadership Team & Fire Marshall Team
Fire Marshall Team proceed to alarm panel at Reception. Team to collect a radio set to channel 7 and a hi viz jacket (kept in reception) Lead Fire Marshall to instruct 2 team members to proceed to the fire zone activated, the rest of the team to sweep the school as instructed All staff assist in the safe and silent evacuation of the building, assembly of students. Staff are requested to be silent during evacuation/drill except when talking to students. STUDENTS SHOULD REMAIN SILENT THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE PROCEDURE Lead Fire Marshall to remain at panel ready to call Fire Brigade if required to. The Fire Brigade will automatically be called outside of the school’s core hours (Monday-Friday 8am-4pm) A register of the Fire Team members must be taken out to the Finance & Business Support Team member (wearing hi viz jacket) situated at the Support Staff & Visitors area as indicated on the Fire Evacuation Assembly Plan see Page 9. The remaining team members must report there after completing the sweep of the building when instructed by the Lead Fire Marshall. Front door is not to be locked. The member of the team remaining at the panel will watch the front door in case any persons attempt to access the building during the evacuation. Once the site has been swept one member of the team can be positioned outside the front doors. When building is clear the Lead Fire Marshall will switch off alarm and lock front doors . Headteacher or assigned Deputy: to assume responsibility of the assembly areas and will liaise with the Lead Fire Marshall regarding the outcomes/findings At the end of the Fire Evacuation Procedure, the Headteacher will dismiss support staff before the students who will return to the building to aid in returning students to their classes as per their notified duty points. Teaching staff should accompany students back into the building in SILENCE . Details to be entered in record book by the Facilities Manager/Facilities Team Member once drill complete. Finance & Business Support staff take out a mobile phone, Fire Registers which include copy of the tutor registers and daily cover sheets to the Support Staff and Visitors Assembly point as per page 9 Fire Evacuation Assembly Plan Finance & Business Support and Head’s PA to each take a megaphone and hi viz jackets to the Assembly Area tennis courts and hand to Headteacher and Leadership Team member in charge. Tutors are to immediately stand with their tutees and await the registers from the designated Finance & Business Support Staff. They will need to check their register and report findings to the designated Finance & Business Support Staff. During the absence of a Tutor, the member of staff marking the register at registration time will also need to check the tutor group during fire evacuation procedure. Assigned members of LT to collect registers and report any missing students to Finance & Business Support staff or Assembly Area Coordinators .
Trainee teachers, part-time staff and non-assigned Teachers must register with member of Finance & Business Support Team member (wearing hi viz jacket) situated at the Support Staff & Visitors area as indicated on the Fire Evacuation Assembly Plan – see page 9 then assist as directed. All Support Staff must register with member of Finance & Business Support Team member (wearing hi viz jacket) situated at the Support Staff & Visitors area as indicated on the Fire Evacuation Assembly Plan – see page 9 then assist as directed. Temporarily disabled staff and/or students should be assisted to ensure their safe evacuation from the building as per their PEEP. Students in the Medical room should be escorted by the Finance & Business Support Team member undertaking the first aid. Student will remain with the member of staff situated at the Support Staff & Visitors area as indicated on the Fire Evacuation Assembly Plan – see page 9. Students details must then be passed onto the Assembly Area Coordinators. Visitors should be guided out of the building by the staff they are with and then report to the Finance & Business Team member (wearing hi viz jacket) to be registered situated at the Support Staff & Visitors area as indicated on the Fire Evacuation Assembly Plan – see page 9. Names of missing adults must be given to the Assembly Area Coordinators . Students in IE will be accompanied by member of staff on duty and will remain at the Support Staff & Visitors area as indicated on the Fire Evacuation Assembly Plan – see page 9 City Catering staff must hand their register to the member of Finance & Business Support Team member (wearing hi viz jacket) situated at the Support Staff & Visitors area as indicated on the Fire Evacuation Assembly Plan – see page 9.
If a fire evacuation procedure occurs at break-time or lunch time, duty members of staff are to direct students/visitors to the assembly areas. Staff, not on duty, should support in this clearance. The following Curriculum Area Teams are responsible for the areas indicated: check that all doors and windows are closed particularly in unused rooms but DO NOT lock room doors. Curriculum Area Area English English corridor and all rooms on corridor, first floor female toilets, Main stairs Humanities S6 &S7, Rooms 22-28 & corridor, Staff Room, male toilets, Drama stairs, by pottery room
Bottom corridor and all rooms on corridor, Dining Hall, and toilets
Rooms 17, 18, 19, Art corridor
Library, All rooms off the library corridor
Green room, changing rooms, toilets, gym and modular
unit Teacher in Hall
Stage & Hall
Science rooms S1-S5, Conference Suite, Prep room, and external science stairs
The Design Hub classrooms and toilet
Arbor Lodge
Classrooms and toilet
Maths & Languages
Rooms 30-41 & all corridors, stairs, offices and toilet
Creative Arts - Music
All rooms off the Music Corridor and Conference Room
Business Support
All Offices & Reception areas
SAFETY IN FOCUS Fire Officer will, during the first half of the Autumn Term, arrange a fire evacuation procedure for the new Year 7 students and their tutors. Tutors are to go through these instructions with their tutor group on a termly basis. Whole school fire evacuation procedure should be carried out once per term. Routes and exits that form the means of escape must always be available for use and kept clear of obstruction at all times. Rubbish must not be allowed to accumulate in any area of the building. Stairs and stairwells must be kept clear at all times. Displays are important in our school but care needs to be taken to ensure that display does not impede escape routes and is not arranged in such a manner that could cause it to catch fire. Fire alarm break points will be tested on a weekly basis and a log kept by the Facilities Manager
Fire Alarms – Where to Assemble Your Tutor Group Each tutor group has been allocated a numbered location of where they are to assemble in the event of a fire alarm on the tennis courts, Richville Road (see below). Will you please make your tutor group aware of where they are to assemble when the fire alarm sounds. Year 7 Room Assembly No Year 7 Room Assembly No Branson BM 30 28 Parks CD 31 32 Branson JW 10 29 Rowling DM S3 33 Branson PR S2 30 Rowling GD 15 34 Parks TM 33 31
Year 8
Room Assembly No
Year 8
Room Assembly No
Branson KOB Branson EC Parks KSW Parks RR
28 22 17 40
21 Rowling CSE 22 Rowling OT 23 Rowling GB
37 S5 M1
25 26 27
Year 9
Room Assembly No
Year 9
Room Assembly No
Branson CSF Branson KC Parks KS Parks JT
18 34 16
14 Parks DO 15 Rowling GS 16 Rowling VL
36 24 39
18 19 20
Year 10
Room Assembly No
Year 10
Room Assembly No
Branson SA Branson NH Branson GBi Parks EGT
S6 25 32
7 Parks EK 8 Rowling TP 9 Rowling KB
11 12 13
Year 11
Room Assembly No
Year 11
Room Assembly No
Branson RM Branson AL Parks JF
26 11 14
1 Parks HF 2 Rowling KG 3 Rowling LL
23 S7 35
4 5 6
Tutor Group Branson RM Branson AL
Assembly Point
Arbor Lodge Students & Staff
11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
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Parks JF Parks HF
Rowling KG Rowling LL Branson SA Branson NH Branson GBi Parks EGT Parks EK Rowling TP Rowling KB Branson CSF Branson KC Parks KS Parks JT Parks DO Rowling GS Rowling VL Branson KOB Branson EC Parks KSW Rowling CSE Rowling OT Rowling GB Branson BM Branson JW Branson PR Parks TM Parks CD Rowling DM Rowling GD Parks RR
Assembly point for Support staff, part time staff, trainee teachers, contractors (excl MS & visitors Students with First Aider
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Assembly point for City Catering staff
Assembly point for Swimming Pool students and staff
Tennis Court Entrance
Richville Road
Exit School Back Gates Near 3G Pitch for Arbor Lodge Students only
Exit School Double Back Gates from Main Playground
Should it be necessary to evacuate the Hall and Conference Room during non examination use or during a school events (see page 13), exit through the fire exit doors to Car Park near stage (B) or if numbers very large, divide the Hall into two and use both fire exits doors to clear, if safe to do so: Hall & Stage Primary exit via fire exit doors opposite library and head towards the double gates in the main playground Alternative exit via fire doors near Music rooms and head towards the double gates in the main playground Conference Room Primary exit via fire doors near Music rooms and head towards the double gates in the main playground Alternative exit via fire exit doors opposite library and head towards the double gates in the main playground
EVACUATION DURING EXAMINATIONS When the alarm sounds send a member of staff/invigilator to the reception area to
establish reliability of alarm from the Lead Fire Marshall Take the following action in the event of a genuine fire alarm Evacuate the rooms in silence
Hall - through exit (A) (see page 13) evacuation of the Hall – fire exit door leading to car park. Assemble whole group in an area isolated from the rest of the school - car park. If exit is blocked or unsafe to do so exit (B) (see page 13) via fire doors at rear of the hall near reception and out into car park. Assemble whole group in an area isolated from the rest of the school - car park. Conference Room through exit (C) (see page 13) – fire exit door at rear of hall leading to Reception then out through main doors into car park. Assemble with rest of group as above. If exit blocked or unsafe to do so exit (D) (see page 13) via fire door by Music rooms and round through Reception main doors and out into car park. Assemble whole group in an area isolated from the rest of the school - car park. Invigilators are to take attendance registers for the exams with them to the assembly point Ensure that all question papers and scripts are left in the Hall/Conference Room Ensure that the candidates are supervised as closely as possible whilst they are out of the examination to ensure there is no collusion After the candidates have returned to the examination and before the examination is resumed, where it is feasible to do so, indicate on the candidates' work the point at which the interruption occurred Note the time and duration of the interruption Allow the candidates the full working time prescribed for the examination Make a full report of the incident and of the action taken to the Head of Centre for submission to the Examination Board In the event of false alarm leave students in situ to continue with the examination. Exams Officer will have prior notice of any planned fire evacuation procedures. In the event of a lockdown stop the examination and leave students in situ, however lock doors to the corresponding rooms. In the event of a bomb alert stop the examination leave students in situ, however keep students away from windows but do not lock the doors.
Hall & Stage (A)
Primary exit via fire exit doors near stage into car park (remain in car park & await further instructions) (B) Alternative exit fire doors near rear of hall leading to car park (remain in car park & await further instructions) Conference Room (C) Primary exit via fire doors near rear of hall leading to car park (remain in car park & await further instructions) (D) Alternative exit via reception doors near stage into car park (remain in car park & await further instructions) (E) Exit doors
Exit to reception and out of main school entrance doors and into car park
A - Exit to car park
B - Exit via fire door at rear of hall and out of main school into car park
1. On discovery of fire a member of staff will activate the nearest fire alarm call point located by all fire exit doors and evacuate the immediate vicinity. 2. On Hearing Fire Alarm Line up in single file at the door - IN SILENCE 3. When Told to Leave a) Leave by either of the 2 exits as directed by teacher in charge If cold weather issue foil blankets from the 2 bags located at the exits b) Follow the evacuation plan as shown below and proceed to the assembly point see page 9 Fire Evacuation Assembly Plan c) Do not return to collect warm clothing until told it is safe to do so 4. Teacher-in-Charge confirm that all children are accounted for to the Assembly Area Coordinators
Swimming Pool Student Assembly Area
BOMB WARNINGS PROCEDURES It is essential that all members of staff are made aware what the alarm designated for bomb warnings sounds like to ensure that they take the appropriate action. 3 bursts on school bell followed by 3 seconds of silence, three bursts, three seconds silence - repeated. Upon hearing the alarms, staff are to remain in situ until advised otherwise. Bomb Warnings are usually received via the police , but when a warning is made direct to the school, the recipient should: allow the caller to finish his/her message without interruption, making a note of the exact words used; DO NOT REPLACE HANDSET, leave line open for traces. try to assess the caller's sex and approximate age; note conditions affecting speech such as drunkenness, laughter, anger, excitement, incoherence; any peculiarities of speech such as foreign accent, mispronunciations, impediment, tone and pitch of voice; note any background noise audible during the call such as music, traffic, talking, machinery; when the caller has given his message try to keep him in conversation. The following key questions should be asked if possible after the initial message: When was it placed? Why was it placed? Write down the message and notify the Headteacher or Leadership Team immediately after the call is received The Headteacher or Leadership Team will then phone the Police It is perhaps worth reminding staff that the greatest danger from a bomb explosion, whether in a building or in a car in the street, arises from flying glass. This might seem to indicate that the evacuation of buildings is itself accompanied by some risk. If this is so, then, perhaps with the exception of buildings with large quantities of glass, the best protection for the individuals own safety will be for them to remain in their classrooms/offices rather than expose themselves to the dangers of flying glass outside the school buildings. The most effective safeguard seems, therefore, to be to remain within the building but sheltered from the windows. Everyone should take all possible steps to ensure that any members of the public who happen to be in the building are aware of what is going on. Finally, if, after a bomb warning has been given, staff notice a suspicious parcel, package or object, they should report this to the Headteacher, Leadership Team OR Fire Marshall Team. Under no circumstances should they touch it themselves. Staff are not bound to search for bombs. On hearing the alarm, the Headteacher, Leadership Team and Fire Marshall Team are to report to the main reception. Again all other staff, visitors and students are to remain in situ and away from windows. Where is a bomb located? What time will it explode?
LOCKDOWN PROCEDURES It is essential that all members of staff are made aware what the alarm designated for lockdown procedures sounds like to ensure that they take the appropriate action. 6 bursts on the school bell to indicate the lockdown Staff and students are to remain in their classes or rooms that they are in Staff are to lock the classroom door and remain calm Office/reception is to be secured with the shutters down and locked Another 6 bursts on the school bell will indicate the end of the emergency situation Upon hearing the alarms, staff are to remain in situ until advised otherwise. *If at this time, you are teaching in D2 or D5, please relocate to D1 – accessible via swipe card* The school lockdown or partial lockdown procedures could be put into place by the Headteacher due to either: an intruder on site an incident in which the Police and other external agencies are involved an accident on school premises in which a change of lesson could be dangerous an incident in the community in which school has been advised to lockdown i.e. gas leak
SIZE 2kg 6ltr 2kg 2kg 6ltr
CO2 Foam CO2 CO2 Foam Water CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 Water CO2 CO2 Water Foam Water CO2 CO2 Water CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 Water Water CO2 Water CO2 Water CO2 CO2
Main Boiler House Stairs Main Boiler House Stairs Main Boiler House Main Boiler House
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School Kitchen School Kitchen School Kitchen o/s Dining Hall Reprographics
Fire Blanket Fire Blanket
6ltr 2kg 2kg 2kg 2kg 2kg 9ltr 2kg 2kg 9ltr 6ltr 6ltr 2kg 2kg 9ltr 2kg 2kg 2kg 2kg 2kg 6ltr 6ltr 2kg 6ltr 2kg 9ltr 2kg 2kg N/A 2kg
Room 7 Room 6 Room 8
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Electric Intake Pupil Reception Reception / Admin Admin Corridor Admin Corridor
Stage Stage
Bottom of Stairs To Science
Music corridor exit
M1 M2
PE Office
Fitness Room/ modular
Library Library
Corridor o/s Library Side Door Corridor o/s Library Side Door
o/s Room 17 Room 17 (Kiln) o/s KS4 office Prep Room Prep Room Prep Room
Fire Blanket
S1 S1 S2 S2 S3 S3 S4 S4 S5 S5 S6
Fire Blanket
Fire Blanket
Fire Blanket
Fire Blanket
Fire Blanket
CO2 Foam CO2 Water CO2 CO2
2kg 6ltr 2kg 6ltr 2kg 2kg N/A 2kg 2kg 2kg 6ltr 2kg
S6 lobby o/s Offices o/s Offices Room S6 Room S6 Room S7
LT office First Floor
Fire Blanket
Room 23 / Drama o/s Room 24 o/s Room 24
Water CO2
Room 29
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