4. Leadership & Management
Use the following guidelines
The record of exact responses as given, word for word by the child is crucial. This is so the initial information that would be required for a DSL to make an informed decision about next steps that are relevant are gathered, ideally at the point of disclosure. 63. If the DSL feels unsure about whether a referral is necessary, they will phone the MASH to discuss concerns. 64. If there is not a risk of significant harm, then the DSL will either actively monitor the situation or consider the early help process or follow other guidance from MASH/police. 65. The DSL must confirm any referrals in writing to the MASH, within 24 hours, including the actions and decisions that have been taken by whom and any impact of the actions and decisions. The written referral should be made using the MASH referral form which will provide children’s social care with the supplementary information required about the child and family’s circumstances. The DSL will include all information they are aware of and not assume anyone reading the referral has already got access to contextual or other relevant information. 66. If a child is in immediate danger and urgent protective action is required, the police should be called. The DSL should also notify children’s social care of the occurrence and what action has been taken and decisions made by whom through contact with MASH or the social worker. 67.Where the information refers to FGM, or immediate risk of, for example, forced
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