4. Leadership & Management

recruitment practice. • Allegations against staff are dealt with by the head teacher, in consultation with LADO and appropriate record kept. • A member of the senior staff team is appointed as designated safeguarding lead (DSL) and this recorded in their job description • A nominated member/ members have responsibility for monitoring safeguarding whilst it is a duty for all governors to take account of safeguarding in their duty as a governor. • Ensure that oversight of the effectiveness of policies is undertaken, including staff and pupil discussions including people selected independently by governors • Staff have been trained appropriately and this is updated in line with guidance at least annually, updated by bulletin, staff meeting, or other method as required • Ensure that the DSL can provide an accurate record of all staff training and records of staff understanding the content, including for Prevent, CME and FGM. • Any safeguarding deficiencies or weaknesses identified are remedied without delay • Have identified a nominated governor for allegations against the head teacher, who has undertaken training, and is able to contact HR advisor and LADO independently of the school where required. DSL responsibilities (to be read in conjunction with DSL role description in KCSiE 2020) The deputy DSL are: Mrs S Barnes, Ms M Webster, Ms N Reed, Mr P Jones, Mr R Ramshaw and Miss C Amos 51. In addition to the role of staff and senior management team the DSL will • Assist the governing body in fulfilling their responsibilities under section 175 or 157 of the education act 2002 • Attend initial training for the role and refresh this training every two years. By attending the initial DSL role specific training and then demonstrating evidence of continuing professional development thereafter with regular updates at least annually. • Ensure every member of staff knows who the DSL is, is aware of the DSL role and has their contact details • Ensure staff and pupils know how to refer concerns appropriately out of hours and during holidays, and pupils know where to get help from during these times – age appropriately. • Ensure all staff and volunteers understand their responsibilities in being alert to the signs of abuse and responsibility for referring any concerns to the DSL Ensure that whole school training occurs annually so that staff and volunteers can fulfil their responsibilities, a record of attendance and understanding is kept and staff know to ask if unclear or unsure at any point. • Ensure any members of staff joining the school outside of this training schedule receive induction prior to commencement of their duties • Keep written records of child protection concerns securely and separately from the main pupil file and use these records to assess the likelihood of risk, including to ensure context is taken into account including any siblings/shared families In this school the DSL is: Mr D Strange


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