4. Leadership & Management

• Support pupils in line with their plan – e.g. child protection plan, medical individual health plan, EHCP. • Ensure they know who the designated safeguarding lead (DSL) and deputy DSL are and know how to contact them. • Know what to do if you need to report a concern out of school hours, including holiday time. • Treat information with sensitivity, confidentiality but never promising to “keep a secret”. • Notify DSL of any child on a child protection plan who has unexplained absence. • In the context of early help, staff will notify colleagues and/or parents of any concerns about their child(ren), and provide them with, or signpost them to, opportunities to change the situation. Liaise with other agencies that support pupils and provide early help as required. Senior management team responsibilities: • Contribute to inter-agency working in line with guidance (working together 2018, KCSiE 2020) • Provide a co-ordinated offer of internal support or referral to early help when additional needs of children are identified • Ensure staff are able to work in a trauma informed manner and that linked policies such as behaviour policies support this. • Working with children’s social care, support their assessment and planning processes including the school’s attendance at conference and core group meetings • Ensure DSL’s can contribute to multi-agency meetings such as MARAC when required • Ensure where children are open to Children’s social care or Early Help that the linked social workers are informed on the same day or any absence, especially if unexplained. • Carry out tasks delegated by the governing body such as training of staff; safer recruitment; maintaining a single central register and provide information and activities to enable scrutiny • Provide support and advice on all matters pertaining to safeguarding and child protection to all staff regardless of their position within the school, and to visitors/volunteers. • Treat any information shared by staff or pupils with respect and follow procedures • Ensure that allegations or concerns against staff are dealt with in accordance with guidance from department for education (DfE), Southampton Safeguarding children partnership (SSCP) and Southampton City Council (SCC). Governing body responsibilities • The school has effective safeguarding policies & procedures including a child protection policy, a staff behaviour policy and processes for children who go missing from education. • The SSCP is informed annually via local authority education safeguarding lead (Alison.philpott@southampton.gov.uk) about the discharge of duties via the safeguarding self-evaluation tool or other/additional external report evidence. • Recruitment, selection and induction can be evidenced as following safer


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