3. Student Information, Wellbeing & Behaviour



 Ensure that my child attends school every day and is punctual and agree to notify the school if there are exceptional circumstances that prevent this  Ensure my child comes to school in full uniform and is properly equipped  Make the school aware of issues that might affect my child’s work, behaviour or attendance  Support RPCC’s behaviour policy, rules and sanctions  Encourage my child to complete homework, check and sign their planner (Yr 7) and check Google Classroom  Attend Parents Evenings and appointments to discuss my child’s progress  Ensure my child’s absences are explained promptly  Be respectful in all dealings with RPCC Name of Parent: Signed: Date: STUDENT: I WILL:  Aim to achieve at least a 96% attendance record  Be punctual  Treat all members of the RPCC community with Respect and be polite and courteous at all times  Wear my uniform with Pride  Take Pride in my learning, both in school and out of school and aim to always do my very best  Treat the school environment with Respect  Show Creativity and initiative in lessons and with homework  Be resilient when faced with Challenge. Never give up!  Take advantage of extra- curricular opportunities  Ensure I model good behaviour by showing Respect and by following the school’s Code of Conduct. Student’s name: Tutor Group: Signed: Date:


To foster a strong and mutually beneficial

partnership between parents, their child and RPCC, which is firmly rooted in the belief that this will support all students in their journey to becoming exceptional people


Proud to be RPCC Proud of the past, building for the future

Proud of exceptional progress, exceptional people


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