3. Student Information, Wellbeing & Behaviour

Appendix 13

NAI Letter



The school has been completing register checks and ’s school attendance is % instead of being above 96%.

Our concerns over your child’s attendance have been communicated to you in a previous letter and there has been continued absence since our last letter.

The school are unable to authorise any further absence without medical evidence. I would advise that you take your child to the doctor if he is not in school and pass evidence of the medical appointment or prescription or a letter from the doctor to the school as medical evidence so that the absence may be authorised.

It is advisable to send your child to school unless they are too ill. The School Welfare Officer is available to advise should your child need to be sent home. This will also avoid your child’s absence being unauthorised.

Further unauthorised absences following this letter may lead to a formal referral to the Education Welfare Service which has a legal remit to prosecute parents/carers regarding school absence.

A meeting has been arranged for you to discuss this matter further on


at the school.

If your child’s attendance continues to fall, a referral may be made to the Education Welfare Service without further notice for legal action.

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